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Everything posted by Kenny418

  1. I am fishing the big bass splash right before you guys go. I would be glad to let you know what I find.
  2. I have a 2006 18' 8" Ranger and love it. I fish club tourneys and some BFL's. It has a 150 optimax and is great on gas. Easy to tow and it fits perfectly in my 3rd car garage space. 6 months and no more payments and wouldnt even think about upgrading. Unless of course I win the lottery.
  3. Wow, It was awful. I think I just fished every bad condition you could have in one weekend. Arrived in Gunny on Thursday night. Fished in the pouring rain,sleet,snow all day Friday. Water was like chocolate milk and rising fast. Water temp in the low 40's. Saturday rolls around. Rain slows down, oh nice here comes the sleet. Along with 25 mph winds. Perfect. Water still rising. Throw everything I can think of at them all day long. Now its 25 min till weigh in and all I have to show for it is hypothermia and 2 short fish. Stop to fish one last flat outside of Goosepond. Throwing a RC 1.5 DD in Ghost craw red.Now there is 15 min left and still nothing, then wham finally I land a 4lb 15oz. I know its not huge,but for a day like that I was excited. So now I feel good that I actually didn't zero. Run to the weigh in, jump off of the boat on to the wet dock and both feet come out from underneath me. I fall on my elbow and forearm. I jump up with about 400 people looking at me. Acting like I wasn't hurt and thinking to myself that hurt like hell. Anyway back trailer in, weigh fish in,go get cleaned up,go to dinner, and go to bed. Wake up and drive 7 hrs home, then to the emergency room to find out that I fractured my elbow and forearm. I know if you were at the weigh in at Gunny you saw a guy in a blue rain suit do all off this. I am just waiting to see it on you tube. LOL ;D
  4. Edro, I am also fishing The Big Bass Splash in Guntersville. This will be my first. I just got off the phone with them. I asked all the same questions you did, then I logged on and found your post. I received all the same answers from them that are posted here. I just got back from a Bfl on Gunny. My buddy who is a guide down there talked my partner and I into coming back down for this. He said it is a blast. We will be going down on the 18th to start practice. We are driving from Cincinnati. So you won't be the only one driving along way to have fun.
  5. That looks like it would be fun to fish out of. I think you should have sprung for the 1197 though. ;D
  6. Here is another I thought was really good. It is from the site, not from me
  7. Just to clarify on my earlier post. i am not bashing any brand. Or saying one is better than the other because I have never used the Lowrance. I am however a 997SI owner. When I look at the comparison pic it looks washed out. Like sensitivity has not been adjusted properly. When the 14 inches of snow and 2 inches of ice melt off my local lakes I will be more than happy to post my pics for all to see. For new users that want to see Humminbird images at their best go to this link. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sideimaging/ There are guys on here with a lot more experience than me and their pics are amazing. If you look at these and then look at the comparison pic above you will see a huge difference in quality. That is the point I am trying to get across.
  8. That comparison is a joke. If that guy is running that HB unit to the best of his ability he wasted his money or needs to read the instructions. HB produces a way better pic than that. I know from experience, not just looking at pics.
  9. Lmao ;D. So far only once for me. Knelt on a crank bait while landing a fish. Got me right below the knee cap. Buried 2 out of 3. You would not believe how tough your skin is on your knee. My co-angler apparently could not handle me removing the hooks. he fell out of the chair and onto the deck. ;D
  10. This should come out as a free download soon.
  11. I did not know that. Can it be installed on all of the side scan units? Yes it can. Go to Humminbird.com and download the update for your unit
  12. You can drive up to Lake Tarpon and catch some nice fish . I went last year with the family. Beaches are nice. We had fun.
  13. HVAC Tech and Owner
  14. Ha Ha. Start saving your money. Soon all you Diawa reels will be cast aside for Core's. I made the same mistake last year. They are addicting. You can not just have one
  15. With today's economy $5000 will go a lot farther than that. Take your time. Do not jump on the first thing you think is a deal. Just my 2 cents
  16. I made the mistake of starting out with a boat that was 17' long. While it was great to have one, I quickly outgrew it. If you are serious about fishing and can afford it go with at least 18.5 with a 150 hp.
  17. I did not like their pizza before, but I really like their new pizza.
  18. I have a F150 Super-Crew with a 5.4 v-8. I bought it new in 04. I tow about 2400lb boat with it. It tows great where I live in Ohio. I started taking trips to Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. I personally think this truck struggles when I go on these trips. I can not talk bad about the reliability of the truck though. All I have ever done to it is brakes and tires.
  19. It is like when I argue with my wife; sometimes the words are out there before I can get my tongue in check... Ha Ha. That just happened to me about an hour ago. Not a pretty site. I just could not pull the words back in, :
  20. Whats a Senko? How do I fish it? ;D ;D ;D Sorry i could not resist. Cabin fever
  21. Jim, Wayne is trying to tell you that down imaging for the unit is available. Go to Humminbird and get it.
  22. :D Why was it not cool? If you were in a tournament and were up by five pounds would you stop catching fish?
  23. It all depends on how and where you are going to fish. I disagree with the statement(buy the biggest motor you can afford ). I also live in Ohio. Most of my fishing is on the Ohio river or smaller lakes around my home. I purchased a Ranger 188 with a 150 Optimax. This boat is great on gas and works well for my style of fishing. Bigger boats and bigger motors means you can go faster, but they cost a lot more in fuel, and purchase price.
  24. You will need a SD card if you want to take your way points off of your current depth finder and transfer them to a new depth finder. The format on some units are not compatible with others. There is software you can download to do this, depending on which unit you are buying.
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