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  1. So, with that criteria, the options are many. I suspect all of our member guides generally meet this expectation. George: Florida Randall: Georgia Tom: Texas Do we have a guide in California? Absolutely. If any members who are guides feel like PM'ing me any information regarding time of year, costs for your services and other important details, please feel free. I live in Winnipeg and our winters are bitterly cold up here, so a February trip would be a great winter escape. However, I would consider anytime of year except for May-August (simply because fishing in Manitoba durring those months is to die for when fishing for pike, walleye and some of our other popular game fish).
  2. Thank you for your input everyone. I really appreciate it. In fact, I didn't expect near as much response! Let me clarify. I'm not necissarily looking for state records of those 10lb plus fish to be honest. A big bass where I live is 4-5lbs. So anything in the 6lbs range would be great. I've got lots to go on now, and again, I really appreciate it!
  3. Hey folks, I'm from Canada and I'm thinking of taking a trip south to get into so huge largemouth bass. What state should I start looking into for the biggest largies. A region where smallmouth are also abundant, well that would be nice too. I'd just like to narrow my research down to a particular state cause there's just too much information online without a smaller target area. Tight lines!
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