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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. I like to work a spook or popper down the current and let it wash into seams and eddies. Work it more slowly in the eddies and back into the current, washing it down to the next eddy or seam. This time of year, a topwater fish is hard to come by. I'd follow the advice above and try a 3" grub in teh deeper holes below riffles, or wait for a few warm sunny days in a row.
  2. VolFan

    Hey RW!

    I wouldn't put Romo on there, and lately maybe not Eli yet (yes even though he has the ring). Big Ben I go back and forth on. Peyton is quickly becomng the best QB ever. On that note, back to the thread...everyone thinks you need a top caliber QB to win championships when in reality it's been shown that you really don't if you have good talent around an intelligent, competent QB. A great QB doesn't hurt mind you, but a good game manager can win you a Superbowl.
  3. Did you guys make it up to the sewage plant?
  4. Eased. my mistake, I get all worked up... 8-)
  5. That Spook has seen some fish. Lots of teethmarks.
  6. You got your product on time undamaged as promised. Your feedback could have a negative impact on their livelihood, even though they delivered their service as promised.
  7. I would say you were out of line for giving him a negative review just based on the packaging. If you got your deal, in good shape, in a timely manner, then the seller lived up to his/her end of the bargain. Busting them for a critique on their packaging is a little much.
  8. For the record they were 5 inch senkos.
  9. I got out today for about an hour and a half around high tide in and around Four Mile Run. Three fish, one solid 3, one 2+, and one with big ideas All caught on a gold damiki spinnerbaits fished tight in and over cover. Tried a jig and rage craw of varying shades, senkos, and a brief stint with a roostertail, but only hit fish on the Damiki.
  10. That's a chunk of a pickeral. What state are you in if you don't mind me asking?
  11. I figured it out after I thought about it; I'm sure it was an awesome fight until you reaized what it was, then it was just good . We used to catch them below Ft. Loudon dam while fishing for stripers; they give a god account of themselves.
  12. What's a 20 lb dumb dumb? Carp? Buffalo? Catfish?
  13. I've never had much luck with things like that other than as catfish bait. You can bend them to loosen them up a little and use them as jig trailers, but that's usually more mess than it's worth. However, your cat will love you. But not a bad bait for cats, especially in moving water.
  14. Ditto what Ghoti said. It's probably headed south or west, only to get headed north or east again.
  15. He's looking pretty good so far, especially for his advanced age...
  16. Put a jitterbug lip on that mama and you got yourself a great topwater.
  17. If your boat's very big, make sure you hit the marina when the tides in somewhat, otherwise it's very tough to lauch (if not impossible). The grass around there is pretty hot lately.
  18. Looking better and better.... I wish UT had better special teams...
  19. You used my two favorites; they're both great baits. Depends on the day what I'm using, but I keep both of those around.
  20. Well at least the giant, talking, transforming, emo robots part was realistic... :D Seriously the movies have soiled my childhood memory of the cartoon, but, oh, Megan Fox.
  21. As Herm Edwards taught us all (at least I think it was Big Herm)...YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME! Peyon Manning statistically was a better QB than Tee Martin...Tee Martin got the ring. With the omnipresent media, stats have become entirely overblown. What matters is can a guy make a throw, and will he make it wen he needs to.
  22. If you leave a hook in a salty plastic too long, the salt will eventually degrade the hook. Also happens with moisture in your box rusting them ever so slightly. With the strength of some of the braid people are using lately, bending a hook doesn't really sway me at all. Bent points can happen, mine are usually from setting the hook on a rock. I don't don't really believe I've lost a fish from a "faulty" hook of any brand. Now me keeping them sharp? That's another matter.
  23. I use an old cotton sock full of rock that I pick up at the river. Need to slow the drift? Add more rocks. Sangged? A decent pull either tears the sock or frees it. Cotton is biodegradable. I never et more than a couple trips out of an old sock, but i seem to have plenty around.
  24. 4/0 should be good; it'll give the tail better action. Make sure you slit the belly so the hook doesnt have to go through all that plastic. I use them weightless, alot like a wake bait, with pauses every few feet, or just buzzing them. Swimming them around riprap with some weight has also been a good technique, as has been working them over and through submerged grass. It's really just a big paddle-tailed grub.
  25. My pics wouldn't tell you any more than it's a Dagger Delta sit-in. But above that, keep it simple in a kayak, one rodholder that's easy for you to get to, but out of the way when fighting fish, and maybe one or two more behind the seat for spare rigs/trolling. I carry my tackle and a camera in a small waterproof backpack between my knees or pushed up in the cockpit. I keep the stuff in the backpack light enough to float (trust me on that). I have a portable fish finder but don't use it unless it's deeper or unfamiliar water or I'm catfishing. Above all, keep it simple, my best trips have been floats down a small river with one spinning outfit and a small box of baits. More stuff in a small space like that just gets in the way and/or snags line.
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