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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. I don't have anyplace to put the last one, much less this one. But no work tomorrow, and probably not Wednesday or Thurs.
  2. Alright then, you've got me. Being as you're in FL, could it be some sort of exotic? CAtfish and bowfin can't hybridze, genetically speaking, if that's what you're hoping. At least not without alot of lab help.
  3. X2 on what DS said. Good tight underwraps, and add the hair a pinch at a time. Pull it as tight as you can. If you don't break the thread every few jigs, you're not pulling tight enough.
  4. Catfish, maybe a bullhead that's moving along in decomposition.
  5. We gotta get back to our trailers and cry...
  6. C'mon now, why the tennessee shot? Haven't we been through enough with Kiffin?
  7. I cut some of the bdy off and use it as a trailer on swim jigs; works pretty darn well.
  8. I use Fireline 30 # Braid with a 12# fluoro leader. Don't let the debaters get to you, unless they just don't fish during 1/4 of the year, they're fishing over spawning fish. Please treat them gently, and C&R.
  9. X2 on State Farm. If you bundle home, car, and if you want life insurance, their respective rates are probably the cheapest. And you get fantastic customer service and quick turnaround. Between me, my brother and my parents, we've had 60 years with State Farm across four states and never had bad service or felt dissatisfied with how they processed a claim.
  10. Boom. That goes for everywhere, not just boat ramps. I'm in no way against guns; they just need to be an absolute last resort. Also, on Cherokee, if yougot into a gunfight you'd just have to dodge their first volley. Then you could goto work with your handgun while they were measuring their powder and priming the pan.
  11. I do, but if I think I'll need it in a certain area, I don't fish that area. Fishing isn't worth a gunfight.
  12. As was the original Ocean's Eleven
  13. Anyone know what the guy looked like or drove? There's a guy described as 6'3"/6'4", slender build, stringy medium length hair, who's hit a few fly shops in CO and got them for some very expensive stuff. The guy may have been driving a green 4Runner.
  14. Another for Braveheart. Do you converse with the Almighty?
  15. I think Dan# just hit my frustrations on the head. It's bad enough that we lost 3100+/- Americans that day and in the following days, but to try to either turn it into a conspiracy theory for attention/financial gain or to infer that the government somehow set it up is just reprehensible, especially with no evidence other than claiming a lack of evidence. And the evidence that they claim doesn't exist, EXISTS. Insanity!
  16. Exactly!
  17. Has anyone else seen or are you watching it? It's like people just choose to ignore that there's VIDEO TAPE of the planes crashing into the buildings and Pentagon. And then they prove against many of the "truthers" theories on thermite, et al. And yet these people still purport to think that it was some sort of conspiracy. It just sticks in my craw. PS-Sorry if this is too political, please remove it
  18. Short of really heavy cover, ou can fish everywhere top to bottom with an original rapala and some split shot. It's still a "go to" for me, especially in moving water.
  19. There's a small place off Lee highway in Arlington, near the Starbucks ( ;D). I can't think of the name of it at the moment. It's really near Military Rd. at elast I think he does reels.
  20. Pat Summit at UT and Geno Aureama at UConn are two greats, albeit in the women's game.... Bruce Pearl's not doing too bad if he can keep his guys on the team. Coach K hands down...And I absolutely detest Duke.
  21. I get very limited time to fish between a wife, baby on the way, job, and new house, so our times there have never coincided (broke out the thesaurus). If ya'll go tomorrow I may make a cameo, depending on when you go.
  22. I don't have any worries about it being overfished, the Potomac's a big river, and 4mr has some unique qualities that keep god numbers fish there year 'round. It cetainly has never been a secret, even on flyfishing boards. I was just commenting on your 180 on it, and subsequent group trips.
  23. You really went from hating that place to hitting it every chance you get and taking everyone with you...
  24. http://blackdogbaits.com/specials/ Lunkerpunkers and Shellcrackers approx 50% off. Starts today.
  25. My wife always points to fishing buzzbaits and other topwaters like jitterbugs with her brother when she was younger that really turned her on to fishing. So maybe try short outings to good spots during prime buzzbait times (evenings). Then take her to dinner. Nothing beats the buzzbait strike. My wife'll still fish a buzzbait for hours on end if there's any slight hope of a strike.
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