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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. You can also try carolina rigging a small floating rapala minnow about 18 inches behind a 1/2-3/4 oz weight depending on how deep you're fishing. Reel it in 2-3 foot bursts and then pause for 10 seconds. They tend to get it on the rise, Does anyone know if Dalecarlia is open to fishing?
  2. You can get a casting bubble and use any flies a flyfisherman uses, that's one way to go. Small plastic worms (4 ") in natural colors sometimes work on the drift. Kind of depends on where and what you're going for: big browns will hit alot of the same things as bass; rainbows are a little more skittish.
  3. Look at your bottom composition whereever you are fishing. Crawfish tend to match that, with some variation by species. Setting crawfish traps (where legal) is another good way to get a look, and some tasty snacks .
  4. It is both: The upper Potomac, basically above the Woodrow Wilson Bridge is more rocky with a few grass beds. Below WWB, the lower Potty is alot of grass and mud with some rocks. More smallies in the upper, more largies in the lower. From WWB up to the fall line(ish), it's a good mix.
  5. Hot chicken soup with plenty of black pepper and Sriacha chile sauce in it. Clears the congestion, hydrates, replenishes electrolytes, gets you some protein and carbs, and...it's comforting.
  6. They're not. They said the same thing about my wife's work computer. A 10 minute call to her IT support when he came back in the office fixed the problem. I would not take anything to them, or allow them to touch anything I had just bought. You and I are every bit as skilled as they are (i.e. you/I can read instructions and/or use Google).
  7. Current verizon customers could get it on pre-sale first.
  8. I'm shipping two to DVT for cleaning/tuning. Any tips on how to package them for optimal safety?
  9. What're Mooselock Whistlers?
  10. What he siad. A clean break probably isn't the manufacturing process; it's more likely from handling issues be they the owners or while in shipping. That everyone thinks there's a huge problem with this or that rod goes back to an old restaurant saying: Give someone a good experience, they'll tell 10 people, screw up therir night, they'll tell 10,000.
  11. There's quite a few decent spinning reels under $100. I have six Shimano Saharas in varying weigths. Never had a problem with any.
  12. I have a pair of Danner hikers, teh all leather 3/4 ish top, that I've had for 13 years and 3 soles. They are absolute tanks. Not a featherweight hiker, but fantastic for packing any distance over any rough terrain. I also have pair of work/tactical boots from them that I've used situationally for about five years and they are of the same ilk.
  13. I just went by Dan's store and helped them clear a little room in the fishing dept.
  14. It all depends on what your definition of "is" is.
  15. Because he won way more games than the kid!
  16. If i can still read...and i du have a Tennessee edukation...I don't think he said anything about sneaking in. There are members on here with legal access.
  17. That is awesome! Great for you.
  18. I think Stripes may have the accurate assessment. Pain is arbitrary; it is what your moind thinks it is. That's why you see one person horribly injured still finishing the fight while another with lesser or superficial injuries screaming like a baby. Not name calling, just saying.
  19. X afew more on the Cardiff... but there's a couple Abu 4600's for sale in the Flea Market right now that would serve you well if you wanted to save some money, $40 apiece.
  20. I'm a little older than 21, but, hey, buying diapers isn't as bad as I thought it'd be! It gives you someone fish with and preach to later. Plus, a baby is infinitely better that a Steez combo, trust me on this.
  21. I guess the obvious question is: what are you going to use it for?
  22. SirSnookAlot hit the nail on the head. If you're 15, you probably don't need a $300 combo. You probably need more practice and experience. But we were all there once.
  23. I never liked McNabb, I never liked Romo. I did like Jake Plummer, so maybe my judgement isn't the greatest.
  24. They just haven't paid off the city council and/or commission yet; they must be new to politics in Memphis. Sorry, I know I just tread very close to politics.
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