Work while you're in college. A college degree doesn't give you the right to or prepare you for a job, it gives you knowledge to use in a job. The life experience of working and trying to go to school was easily as important as the actual classwork. Interships or volunteer work, both during the year and during the summer, are crucial for you while you are in college. If you can't find an intership, work at something as close to your field as you can. If you can earn money while being in college, you can keep your expenses down and your loans minimal. It's time to grow up and start wiping your own nose, paying your own bills, and finding your own way. What happens to you now is on you and noone else. Work hard, do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may.
As far the article, aside from college being more expensive, I thought it was a bunch of self-serving hooey. He quoted himself for pete's sake! Latin, Greek, and Greek literature were taught back then, that's why it was on the entrance exam! I could still handle the math and most of the geography/history today, 15 years after college (and I was publicly educated in TN!)