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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. Crawdads/crayfish are second only to ants and cockroaches (third then maybe) in their distribution. Look it up. They live in cow pastures, drainage ditches, and even under an old shed we had. They don't need alot of water to survive and reproduce. Most of them burrow. When it rains, the burrows fill with water and they can survive in there for MONTHS. All of your bodies of water have water flowing into and out of them, and birds and other critters coming and going. If there are not crawdads in your pond, there will be. Which brings me to my point: Rage craws catch fish everywhere.
  2. X2. 2 miles is a warm-up if you're really serious. Hitch up your skirt and git-r-dun.
  3. That's the muscles between your ribs being sore; that means you stressed them. If that's getting sore, lengthening your stride is least of your worries. Long strides are for sprints; quick rhythmic steps are for long distance. When you take long strides, the impact is greater on your body, and then your feet are touching ground longer. You basically kill your own momentum with every leap. Long distance should smooooooooth across the ground. Yoour shoulders should be dorectly over your hips. If you look down and all you see are your toes as you stride, you're leaning forward too much and overstriding. Keep the shoulders over the hips and keep your feet underneath you. Smooth is fast.
  4. The fish is fat, but if you relate the fish to the size of his hands it doesn't look like a 16+ lb fish. I'd believe the 11 more readily, but as we all know, it's impossible to guess weight from a pic.
  5. Shimano Sahara. I have had 6, 2 of them for 5+ years, and never had a problem with any of them. Great drag, smooth reel, widely available parts if needed. I'm not against the Pflueger President either, I just don't have a track record with them like the Saharas.
  6. How well does that thing actually hold the weapon? It looks like just a strap-on cloth pocket.
  7. 1. Ragetail Space monkey, I can fish it top to bottom, weighted, unweighted, fast, slow, in-between. Use it like a spinnerbait, buzzbait, crankbait, jig, you name it, it does it all and catches some great sized fish. 2. SK perfect plastics Ocho 3A. SK PP finesse worm 3B. SK perfect plastics beaver (the smaller one)
  8. Just take shorter, quicker strides and don't reach out as much. It takes care of itself once you find a good range. Stand up straight, and your feet should hit the ground underneath you, not in front of you. You shouldn't bounce up and down, but be a fluid movement forward.
  9. 1. Run in your combat boots. Most of them are made well enough for it. 2. Don't try too hard to lengthen your stride; you put alot of stress on the front of your legs (shins, quads) when you run long distances like that, and you wear yourself out. Long strides are for sprints. 3. Work on shorter smoother comfortable strides with a quick leg turnover, less shock to your whole body and it keeps you from wearing out your big muscle groups. I run in minimalist shoes on pavement almost every day. Once you find the right stride/turnover, it's like a wonderful revelation and running long distances becomes much more comfortable.
  10. I have two of the MH spinning. Their action isn't as fast as some, which would make some think they're underpowered. I feel they are powered correctly, the action is just a little slower.
  11. I had it. Used it for three trips and did away with it. It made a weird noise going through my guides, and I felt like it had too much body and wasn't particularly sensitive, especially for the price. Just my $.02.
  12. I don't see Peyton Farve-ing it. If they release him, I could see him playing someplace else, but I don't see him hopping to four different teams. I see them keeping him on to mentor Luck, either as a QB coach or if he can play.
  13. No I don't, and I don't want to listen to yours, so try to keep it down.
  14. You can get a Remington 870 at Walley World for under $300. I would go that route or try to find one used. There are several websites that broker gun sales. Also, asking around at gun shops for what you're looking for may help. They may be able to line you up with a private seller for a finder's fee.
  15. I do gratis air movement... Actually I graduamatated from UT in 2000. And we have some sports there.
  16. Immature bluegill. Maybe take another pic with a little less glare, but the color and gill plate look like a small 'gill to me.
  17. 7' M spinning rod for 90% of what a normal bass fisherman would cover. The 6'6" or 7' MH baitcaster for the heavier stuff. If you're flipping heavy stuff or throwing big swimbaits, you're going to need a bigger rod, but those two rigs will do an adequate job of 99% of bass fishing. crankbait rods are great (and mostly cheap) so that'd be my third if you really throw cranks alot.
  18. Funny story, we bought new gear and even planned our honeymoon around a place in Quebec with a lake right outside the lodge...we fished about 2 hours; it sucked, and we had way more fun doing other honeymoon-type things... The Albright fly rods are great for the price; I can't speak to the casting rods, but they're a good company.
  19. It's not a hack; it's a denial of service attack. And actually it's pretty amateur. They flood the website with traffic to the point that it can't handle any more traffic. Way different than breaking into and stealing data. I'm still sure DoJ is coming out ahead with the arrests yesterday and today and the shutdown of the pirate site.
  20. Great game! I hate Harrison with a passion! He's a bum! Not a pretty second half but it's survive and advance in the playoffs! I'm not even a broncos fan!
  21. If you're chasing every new fad, it gets expensive. If you try to build a collection of solid, productive, consistent baits, each one is an investment, and your expenses are pretty level over time. I'll take half as many cranks that work the way they're supposed to every time over a bag full of ones I have to tweak and tune area to area. And color is way overrated.
  22. I think it's immature and that he does it to keep himself on people's minds and in the spotlight, but as a role model I don't think it matters one way or the other. A parent can use that as an example of unacceptable behavior and hope the kid recognizes what a DB Ike is being. His behavior is part of his brand, nothing more.
  23. A big tree root ball or undercut bank or sweeper (laydown) and the eddy around it is where you'll find the bruisers. If you're not losing lures, you're not getting to the big girls. Spinners, spoons, surprisingly big rapalas all work for them. Once you get to know an area well, try it at night with a big rapala slowly across the surface.
  24. Yes, and other inline spinners and flashy stuff. If the current's too swift for spinners, spoons like little cleos and kastmasters can get down a little deeper, or you can put split shot a foot or so in front of the spinner. Fresh stockers will hit the shot. :-)
  25. With stockers, sometimes it depends on how long they've been there. Inititally, they'll eat anything that is about the size of one of the pellets they've been eating. After a week or so, they start moving to more natural-looking food and will reaction strike on curiosity alot of lures. After a few weeks/month, they're more like low pressured wild trout, you have to be decent, but not great.
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