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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. Actually I am! We lived there for five years; I got transferred right in the middle of their WS run. Our first night here was the night of that one game playoff. We did an impromtu pub crawl in Old Town Alexandria trying to get someone to put it on the TV! Thank you Austin Grill bartender (and Mr Jack$on). They've been tough to watch, but they've made some good moves and CarGo and Tulo are goign to be HoF talents.
  2. As long as the seat posts are very very short, you should be fine. You don't want to be sitting higher than the gunnels in most canoes.
  3. Beautiful fish! Really good looking and healthy! She looks like she may have been starting to clear a bed based on the pinlyness at the bottom front of her tail.
  4. I have 6 that I've had more or less for 6+ years, great reels, stand up well, and really respond to proper maintainence.
  5. I use Cardiff 200 for 6 in Hudds and similar baits and it works fantastic. DVT did a supertune on it and made it even better. I previously used a Revo SX, which I didn't like. The Cardiff balances the big rod better, holds more line, and feels all around more solid. I use 15 lb Yozuri Hybrid and couldn't be happier.
  6. Depending on your specific rod, if you fish it with braid you should be fine on hooksets, even with the heavier gauge hooks. It might be a little dicey if you hook a good sized fish in cover, but I owuldn't worry too much about the hooksets with braid.
  7. Yes. Get something more conservative. Gold/Red/Blue
  8. That Pappy is good stuff. I like Makers Mark for general usage, or will step it up to Rip or straight Van Winkle if I'm feeling more cultured...I also like JD and a few differnt ryes for some roughage.
  9. Memphis in May?
  10. Talk to DVT; he made me a great ML/XF spinning rod on a MHX blank. He'll do you right.
  11. BPS in Sevierville, TN, but that's about an hour from JC.
  12. Maybe for the karma bus you should donate the stuff to Casting for Kids or something of the like. Just an idea. But you do what you like.
  13. If you've never used them, don't assume anything. The EVx are very good rods. St Croix, Daiwa, and especially All Star also make alot of crap to go along with their decent rods.
  14. If you're looking for a slow level fall, use a hook with a shank weight. They come as light as 1/64 oz that I have seen. At that light of a weight though, it's almost a wash with just using a heavier gauge hook.
  15. Nice! That just needs some hushpuppies and slaw next to it! Have you tried the Revo out?
  16. It's true...the Sawks suck...can't imagine a worse week on the job than Bobby V is having right now
  17. Washington wil be fine and should win the East, especially if the front end holds up. Their pitching has been unreal so far this year, with the exception of closing. But they're still winning without scoring. If the bats pick up to the level of the pitching (maybe get Morse back), they're going to be scary. Texas in the AL. Should be a fun year!
  18. Doesn't matter what it weighs, it's a nice fish. Good on you for getting some fishing in on a work trip. I'd guess a little south of 5, but if she's got a gut it'd probably get her north. But really, specific weight doesn't matter, I'm sure the memory is plenty for you.
  19. You'll get the adhesive on the cork, but it won't damage it per se. Wrap a little pre-wrap or aluminum foil on beforehand if you're concerned about it.
  20. I have 6 or so, love them.
  21. Put Powerpro or the Suffix 832 on it in 20 or 30 lb test. If you run through the guides, you've been fishing enough to upgrade to better equipment.
  22. Flukes and/or Space Monkeys. The SM over grass'll change your life.
  23. I like Trilene XL 4# and have used it for alot of ultralight fishing and have never had a problem with it. You do have to change mono on UL reels with great regularity as line twist and age take their toll fast on light line. Now that said, I use Powerpro on it now b/c it does better with line twist, and you can really fling light grubs and feel bites with it. THe lack of stretch isn't usially a problem because most UL rods are very moderate in action.
  24. I have a Cabela's rod that the trigger broke on, and I certainly like it more without it. There's still plnety there to grip the rod and casting one-handed isn't a problem, at least not in the dropping the rod sense...professional overruns do happen...
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