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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. Great fun but if you think you'll run right through...fuggetabboutit! In all of them I've been involved with it goes like this...run 1-2 miles...wait 15-20-30 minutes at obstacle...do obstacle slowly behind other people...run 1-2 miles and so on. It is however a crap load of fun and they all have free beer at the finish line. If you're doing it to race don't get your hopes up, but it is a heck of a good time.
  2. Funny thing is I actually fish Trick worms and small senkos t-rigged on lighter wire hooks with my UL and 10 lb braid. Great fun and some good fish.
  3. I'd try the little creek immediately north of the cove on the outgoing if I were you. Less places for bait to go as the tide goes out=more productive ambush spot. Now, mind you, that's only going to take a few minutes because it looks like a pretty small creek. On the ingoing, bass move in and try to find bait,'dads, etc. disoreinted by the change in water, so fish the bank side of cover. On the outgoing, look for ambush spots where cover or structure concentrates the current. Areas going from deep to shallow and back can be good if there aren't any narrow areas. I might go up the river a little to where there is a small pond and small tribs that fill/empty with the tide for a little more concentated current.
  4. I like to walk them up. Figure out what they feed on in your area and kick clumps of brush around that. In TN, I had my best luck near blackberry brambles and field edges. Honeysuckle thickets were also a good spot. Finally, I liked to work along creeks, kicking any lump of cover bigger than a basketball. You'd be surprised how little cover can hold a bunny. It's actually alot like bass fishing in that regard. PS - You can also stalk these same areas, but I found that easier with some snow as a backdrop and a .22 LR to hunt with.
  5. Try burning it as fast as you can and/or changing directions with the retrieve like it's trying to get away or hide. When all else fails, try a crazy Ivan.
  6. Of those three the Fuego is your best value at $99. But there's nothing wrong with the other two. I have 6 Saharas in service.
  7. What RW said. Get the best in teh line that you can afford. It doesn't get any better than that.
  8. Don't armchair those NYC cops too much. They got stuck in a bad situation and neutralized the bad guy. Bullets don't always stop in someone, and as I understand it, about 80% of their rounds were right on target. That exact situation is why gunfights in public places are very rarely a good idea, but appeared to be necessary in this case.
  9. Be honest.
  10. I'm with SirSnook: it's not about the trophy; it's about playing the game. That said, I almost never keep fish any more, but if I did want something for the wall (which I don't), it would be a skin mount...which I'm not doing. So...there's that.
  11. What FK said. What the bass are eating/not eating is in its native colors, so things like watermelon seed, pumpkinseed, green pumpkin, and black are always good choices. I do like okechobee craw alot. Don't overthink it.
  12. Gunnel or stern/bow guards?
  13. I had an SX, and I liked it just fine. It is a little different to set up than others, but somewhere on this site is a post on how to set it up. It involves turning the brakes all the way off before setting the spool tension. I bet that would help alot of the people who are having problems. Bluebasser has mine now, I traded it for a Cardiff 100. Why? I just like not having any brakes, and I love how my tuned up Cardiff 200 casts.
  14. Still too small for big grizzlies...
  15. Paddle leash. Paddle clips are in the way, break, and don't hold it well. So there's that
  16. You get used to it, and then it feels weird to take it off. Tungsten is definitely a heavy one. Mine's made of lead to be sure I go first.
  17. I figured you would get the reference...Any of those calibers I mentioned are enough to take any game alive with a very (very) well placed shot, and I have no doubt you could kill a grizzly with that .308, people bowhunt for grizzlies (those are much harder on the medics to remove). But for the masses, noone wants an unskilled guy with a .308 wounding a grizz because he didn't practice enough or was scared of the recoil on a more appropriate gun. Good luck with the bearskin. PS - I thought it was ironic that a guy that keeps 130 rounds of magazines in his boat wants to bear hunt with a .308. Is it an auto?
  18. Just make sure you file the front sight off before you try it.
  19. The place we rented is outside the gated community...by about a block. And try as I have to beg, bribe, etc. the company that manages it, no one will give me a temp guest pass. Boo. If anyone here is a member or knows a member, I would reward them handsomely for the access.
  20. I'm spending a week about 10 miles south of Davis, WV with my wife and in-laws. Anyone have any fishing suggestions for the area? There are a couple of ponds largemouth and muskie that I won't have access to, but I'll be able to see from my cabin...so I've got that going for me... Anybody have any suggestions?
  21. Stand over a garbage can with some scissors and get to work. I certainly wouldn't take it apart unless the line got between the spool and the body.
  22. If it'll only do 18 mph, you really would be better off just getting a bike. Plus it'll help you with lacrosse.
  23. Probably the sunfish. Run a little spinner or grub through the area and you should know pretty quick. Bass'll spawn more than once too, but what you're describing sounds like panfish beds.
  24. Regarding Peyton - he is as good as he's ever been, but Indy (and Peyton) knew they didn't have the talent around him. They're rebuilding the whole team now, and a big contract for him just would've bogged that down.
  25. I use spinning for frogging as well. The MH Bionic Blade actually has a nice action for it, just soft enough but with a good back bone. I've never had a problem with accuracy with spinning.
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