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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. AND ANOTHER THING...you're a RAIDERS fan! You're not even a good front runner! I'll bet you still like Hanson and the Backstreet Boys. I mean...the window was narrow. You still rock in' critter pants and boat shoes? Driven' a Fiero? We need a man in the House that can skin and gut a squirrel (in the same motion mind you) and handle Putin at the same time!
  2. All German here baby, we'll get you before you know it's coming. And Southern, so all my friends will jump in while our girlfriends/wives/baby mamas talk ish for us (not necessarily different people). You keep your dandy relatives in the North where they can buy their crocodile shoes, velvet skinny pants and such. You need some guys with late model trucks, olds 88s, and anything else that fits on blocks in the yard. You don't need the White House, you need the Biltmore. Listen Wire Rider, you want to bring the noise as El Jefe, you need to hit a couple chitlin suppers to put some hair on your chest and get you out with real people.
  3. Hey basshat...I'm a REAL southerner; unlike you, you carpetbaggin' tool jockey. You're all hat and no cattle. Scrapple and souse in every pot! Cornbread for all! Collards and catfish will rule the day! :-)
  4. Of Scrappling! Who's with me?!?!?!?!
  5. There will be an uprising!
  6. As far as moving the White House...you know that's harder than puttin' the wheels back on and moving it to a new park, right?
  7. IBTL!
  8. I like that cutting board! #endgrainposse
  9. Take the money. Just kidding, every morning I peek in on my 3 year old before I go to work, and every morning it's still a gut punch that I don't get to stay home with him.
  10. And spiders. That was the worst thing about storing mine outside, spiders loved it.
  11. A lot being sold on other forums. A lot of people seemed to have bought several when they first came out and are selling off their stock.
  12. So how's the wifey?
  13. Nice butt! And scrapple and souse are both good.
  14. I think it's great, and I hope he stays high on the leaderboard with it. Guntersville might not be the best lake for a slower pit, but with a shallow crank he should be able to get some fish.
  15. Only 7?!? Ha! As long as you both shall live...
  16. I was thinking something like a 115 on the easy 200 as it's a little more hull weight. Maybe a 150 if it drives significantly better, but that's tough to get to test out. I'm going to be pretty flexible as this will be my first.
  17. Sent...hope it's just a cracked collar bone, but that's not what it sounds like...good luck.
  18. Is 50 minutes into the telecast without the game starting...and I wasn't a big fan go the Nat'l Anthem on guitar. But I did get some snoop dogg in there, so it's not all bad.
  19. Yes, all the Bayliners I've seen are more of the ski and ...maybe fish variety, which I want to stay away from. I know it's boat-dependent, but did that 90 hp suit your needs fine? I won't be fishing tourneys, I just do this for fun.
  20. Targeted killing of 'Merican citizens in foreign countries
  21. What fish n ski did you have? I'm looking for people who have had them for info on why they didn't like them, what they bought afterwards, and what make/model they've used. Hopefully/maybe I could be moving down near Guntersville this summer for a while, and I'm getting a boat.
  22. Kid (and wife) on tubes, and probably taking another couple out with us. I would imagine fishing out of it alone most, so I'd thought about the deep v's, but if you have any suggestions, please let me know. This will be a first big boat for me, so I'm leaning away from fiberglass due to my own clumsiness.
  23. Has anybody ever owned/used/ridden in a Sea Ark Easy 200? I'm going to be looking for a boat for fishing that's ok for family fun as well. I'll likely be looking at a "fish and ski" type boat, but if anybody has any suggestions, please post them up.
  24. My son's middle name is Fischer, first is Loomis.
  25. I like to wrap a bass around it. Really keeps it stuck.
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