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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. I'm down. Anybody know if "the new father who shan't be named" still fishes?
  2. Fish the river below Douglas dam, and the river anywhere through town around the bridges. Lots of smallmouth through town and a mix of everything at the dam. Jerk baits, spinnerbaits, senkos, inline spinners and trick worms, depending on where you are/what you'd like to catch.
  3. Try sell her on a "per pound" basis.
  4. The time I spend reading Raider's posts?
  5. I spit some milk on that one. Nailed. It.
  6. Good Blood sausage/boudin noir/blood pudding is delicious! It's like the richest soft sausage you've ever had. But when it's bad, it's Turrible!
  7. If you run braid, make sure you dial that thing in with a cheap bait before throwing anything with feelings attached. It makes the snap sound even more sickening when it's a Franklin(or two) hitting the depths.
  8. Perfection loop is probably the better choice with braid. The real question is: how are you going to cut your braid?
  9. I think you're wasting good flouro and $$$ putting Tatsu on there, but it's your world. 20# Yozuri Hybrid, PlLine PF, or Big Game work as well as anything, and hurt less in the wallet. I have no experience with CXX, but I think Speed and Franco probably know what they're doing. Again - the flouro probably won't hurt you, but would only help much if you're trying to crank them down.
  10. Cabelas MagTouch for me. In your price range, I've had one for 5+ years. The sensitivity is good, and it's got a great tip for plastics, but flexes a little deep if I need to fish a spinnerbaits or crank with it. The blank is. Ore along the lines of a Daiwa.
  11. I would venture to bet that it is snap casting and the line either cutting itself on the backlash or shattering in the middle from the shock of the sudden stop. Smooth is fast.
  12. Lipless cranks and chatterbaits. I know many people love them, but i can't remember ever catching a fish on either.
  13. If you still have a computer to see this thread, you're still ok.
  14. The girl I was dating at the time, and the guy she was dating at the time needed subs for the softball team they played on and we met at their game, then played on the team. She played first; I played Short and third. I used to airmail balls just so I could watch her touché run after them. Our respective relationships didn't last and one night, we end up sitting at the same bar table with one of the louder females on the team. The loud chick gets up and I say something to the effect of "wow, she never takes a breath", apparently endearing myself to my future wife. We started dating and no we're 7 years and a beautiful 4 year old in.
  15. If you don't have a lot of time to spend, and you're bank bound, fish the Little Pigeon for smallies around any bridges in/around Pigeon Forge/Sevierville, and any deeper holes below the riffles. I'd also fish the tail race below Douglas rather than the lake itself. Cranks, spinnerbaits, jerk baits for smallies, largest, and a crapload of white bass. This is all close to Gatlinburg.
  16. I just mention Chuck Norris, and the braid falls apart with fear.
  17. Isn't the real question: how are you going to cut the braid backing? Btw - heavier spools have the potential to cast longer. Weight savings may help you cast lighter baits more efficiently, but you're never getting the same distance from 1/8 oz and 1/2 oz baits of the same physical dimensions.
  18. I have also used braid to cut itself; generally via wind knot, backlash or tip wrap when I have a swimbait tied on. The release is unmistakable.
  19. I have also used: a key, broken glass, a hook, tore a beer can in half, a sharp rock, a spinnerbaits blade, a burr on a chain link fence, and a stop sign....but usually sharks or lasers.
  20. Lasers. Sometimes sharks. Sometimes I combine the two, and keep it on a retractable belt clip. No front pocket with those sharks though!
  21. I like Suffix Seige, Pline PF, and Big Game in larger lb tests. Hard to beat Trilene XL in 4 lb test for micro fishing.
  22. I see the Nats in the hunt for the Wild Card more so than the NL East...but I think the NL East seems a little weak so who knows? Good to great starting outfield, solid infield, and some more offense behind the plate. Best top 3 starters in the game and solid at 4 and 5... What's not to like? Much like past years, the injury and age bug will be the up or down.
  23. For dog and country? I'll give it a shot...
  24. Sorry bro, staged for research purposes...I may be killed in my sleep tonight.
  25. So...yeah...can I be Secretary of the Interior?
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