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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. My in laws have a place right around the corner from the Estero River. It's a great fishery for brackish species and nuclear panfish (cichlids). My advice would be rent a kayak and fish a day that way, keeping an eye out for productive spots you can come back yo on shore.
  2. About the size of a Mini Slammer in black. Great along washed out banks, flooded creeks, and docks with rats...
  3. Take it as a learning experience. Doodoo occurs. You will be sick in your working life; if you can be prepared to cover your shift if you can't be there you will be a tremendous asset to your now and future boss(es).
  4. She probably believed you, but believing you doesn't serve the customers or post her bills. Next time maybe offer to find someone to cover your shift. At least you were healthy enough the same day to complain about it.
  5. That poor bear isn't bothering anybody. I'd bet she kept some snacks in a seat pocket or he liked her sweat on the seat. Accidentally or on purpose. I agree with Dwight.
  6. I thought he was the bride...
  7. Ummm....what he said.
  8. I have a big Lakewood Products box for my swimbaits.not necessarily cheap, but it's a super-sturdy super-durable box that I can stand on to cast.
  9. Various parks around town, the Catawba around Wylie and Island Mountain dam.
  10. I'm in Charlotte...
  11. That's a lot of building for your first boat, and on a smaller boat. I'm still curious about the need for five batteries? However you do it, keeping the weight fairly evenly distributed, and water testing as you go will be important. Good luck, and show some progress as you build.
  12. It should float, it's not carrying a lot of brains.
  13. What's a good method/product for cleaning old grease out of the hub? Simple green?
  14. Anyone have good advice/video/process for Repacking trailer bearings? I purchased a Harbor Freight trailer for my two Nu Nucanoes, and upon further Internet research, it is suggested that I clean and repack the hubs. Any advice on tools or process to make it easy would be much appreciated.
  15. Did you lock one up?
  16. Nothing wrong with Dandridge, and you're right there on 40 to get everywhere else. Those drawdowns are no joke, but they let you see where you should be fishing. Great white bass runs below Douglas.
  17. How was today?
  18. How's it going?
  19. My issue is that there are many different configurations and sizes of spools on 200 sized reels, from wide and shallow to narrow and deep. Having half the line off does not necessarily decrease your spool diameter by half. In some cases it does by more than half. I fish Curado 200Ds for my smaller (1/2 to 3 oz) baits and it works well for me. It depends on the spool, the reel, the line and how the manufacturer measures the IPT.
  20. "A 200 size reel can hold 120 yards of 15 lb mono (.015D) line. Casting 40-50 yards reduces to reel spool diameter by 50%, reducing the IPT by more than 50%, making recovering enough line to get a good hook set " That is inaccurate, otherwise some good advice in that post.
  21. Reality shows don't win oscars, but they do get viewers. This dumpster fire just kept the NFL and Goodell in the news cycle throughout the entire offseason.
  22. I think you nailed it. There's a lot of common practices that go unpenalized. I don't see that this is a huge difference other than all the press. Fine them and let's move on.
  23. There's a robust Search function. That narrows it right there even better than the topics, although...you can even search WITHIN TOPICS!!! It's incredibly convenient!!!
  24. He had the way he liked the balls. The equip managers made them that way. Did either know the actual parameters, or even that there were actual parameters? Is this worse than wearing the wrong cleats? I. Couldn't. Care. Less. NFL should provide the balls, and then none of this is remotely an issue. Did anyone check every other quarterback's balls for a control?
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