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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. I have a 2015, previously had two. I have had them in fresh and brackish waters. Of the problems listed, the only one I had was the deck, and then only when solo on a hot sunny day. It did not affect fishability at all, and when I run tandem its not an issue. The problem is the size of the span of the deck - that much plastic and the air underneath it expand when heated, and you see some waviness. Never had a problem with the scuppers. All of the cracks I've seen on Nucanoes were operator error/ignorance/abuse. Do not use scupper carts on any kayak, ever. Its just not worth it.
  2. I can cast 110 yards with a steak burrito and a hollow frog.
  3. Is this a bad time to mention I got orders from TW, Northstar, and even BPS all by today after ordering Sunday? Asking for a friend...
  4. Not sure if they're still a sponsor here, but I just refilled the box with another dozen jigs from NorthStar Customs. Great jigs, great quality and his hair/silicone hybrids are KILLER on stream (and lake and river) smallmouths - I highly recommend his work!
  5. I have not fished the Pigeon in Waynesville, but I would go with 6 lb test, spinning reels, and fish Roostertails, small Rapalas, and small soft plastics like 4 " senkos for smallmouth. I am doing just that on a different NC river in a few weeks.
  6. I did three racks yesterday and forgot to take the picture- I cut them into two-bone sections before glazing them up on the grill with the reduced drippings and a little homemade sauce. Its not my traditional Memphis dry-rub purist model but it is a crowd pleaser!
  7. Nah - look at the scales at the side of the gill plate for scale... 4 lbs 10.25 oz. Regardless - thats a dandy fish.
  8. If theres much grass a swivel is really your only option. Once the back binds its a line twist tornado.
  9. I lived in Denver CO for five years - great, diverse fishing out there. More green fish here, and some dandy brown as well. I live in Charlotte now - it just depends on what you want to fish for and how you want to live. Yoi could live in/around Denver NC on the north end of Lake Norman and have great access to that fishery, and an hour or two drive to great smallmouth fisheries. You could live near Jordan Lake, and be on a world class largemouth lake with DDs every year, but further from the brown fish (but closer to blue ones). Its all in what you want - pm me, I travel around the state and am happy to answer anything.
  10. Unless that is one heck of a boat yoi have too much tongue weight.
  11. A 7 or 8 weight, depending on cover and/or flies is what I use. I like poppers, deer-hair mice, snallygasters (its like a plastic worm), and some of the articulated streamers that resemble baitfish. Casting some of the big streamers is like casting a big wet sock. Fishing mice in the evening around cover and docks is crazy fun. Where are you specifically?
  12. Catfishermen have seen/caught bull sharks around Alexandria on the Potomac, and I've seen blue crabs as far up as Gravelly Point. Nothing really surprises me there any more.
  13. They are delicious!
  14. I fish Curado Ds and Pixys almost exclusively. They just work for me.
  15. Snakeheads like overhead cover - so pads and spatterdock are better than grass, but they like matted grass too. Falling tide on the outside edge of cover is best, but at low tide they have less cover so holes in matted grass, overhanging trees, etc should get it done. If they wont come up for frogs, a swim jig or bitsy flip with a rage craw on it was my next best. Pitch or swim it close along matted edges and in holes, or through the weeds.
  16. Four Roses Single Barrel - a friend turned me on to it.
  17. I'd start with a perch pattern glidebait along the weedline. Size and price to your preference. River to Sea S-wavers would be a good place to start. Or, if you really want to get your blood flowing, fish a rat on and in the weedline around and after dark.
  18. Where should i spend my time for maximum happiness? Brown fish in rivers? Green fish or spots in lakes? Just take up catfishing and novels?
  19. BMCF rig - Pile approximately 72 lbs of virtually unused plastics, spinnerbaits, and hardbaits into a backpack to carry around along with three rods, only one of which is in use. Approximate cost: $5,763/year Total fish: Sometimes I give you: The Bait Monkey College Fund Rig
  20. As Tom mentioned above - best hookset with those small trebles is to sweep down/sideways and away from the fish while reeling - kind of like a sweep set in flyfishing. Depending on which size you're using, those small trebles may not be biting on larger fish, or you may have a bunch of bluegill taking pot shots at it. Its one of my favorite baits though.
  21. I am in NC and also have State Farm. They dont offer tow service on the boat like on cars, but they do have some reimbursement for it depending on yoir policy.
  22. Unless theyre really really nice seats, the difference is probably negligible.
  23. Some amount of bass will spawn all summer - they're just big sunfish. I like bass, crappie, white bass, bluegill and catfish, not necessarily in that order. I'm just too lazy to clean fish lately.
  24. This is great advice - if it's taking you 20+ min to load and unload you may need to look at simplifying or refining your load-out load and process.
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