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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. Im going slightly against the grain here - fish at night in the shallower flat or tail out from the deep hole the waterfall creates - you should be either downstream of the falls or just to the side of the main current. You can either go down and try to dig them off the bottom with a jig, or fish a big swimbait like a MS Slammer (i have a favorite 7" one in a gold shiner pattern). I start by swimming the slammer and as the night gets later going shallower and waking. Its not a numbers game but it will pull giants. You can wake it almost right against the bank and they'll still come get it.
  2. I have a Nucanoe and a Lowe 1467 with a 20 HP Merc. For fishing with my son and sometimes my wife, which is all I do anymore, it is easier and faster to hook up and take the boat than load the yak and seats and everything else in the 4Runner, then unloading and rigging at the lake. The boat simplifies it and puts me out on days I wouldnt be out in my kayak with my son. We fished solely out of the yak or a canoe for 10 years prior to the boat. Boat and everything with it cost me $4500, which is less than some high end kayaks. YMMV
  3. We've got it going. Thankfully my 5th grader is pretty self sufficient (and i kind of like math and science). Quarantined last week and this which helped, but still not ideal. People have had to endure much, much worse.
  4. We havent had any good players in years so you dont have much to worry about.
  5. Definitely not brains - but wow!
  6. I get mid 20s or so out of it with me and my 10 yr old. Fast enough to be fun. I pull a tube with it on a small private lake sometime too. I could see where a 9.9 would be good on it, but that 20 really makes it scoot.
  7. I have a 20 hp Merc that makes it go - truly a fun small boat and easy to maintain.
  8. We'll beat you at your place in week 2. New season, hope springs eternal... Its also nice that we don't have to play Florida around my birthday this year, maybe I can enjoy it (the birthday). The game will still be painful, even in December.
  9. Yep - thats it except I dont have the walk through. I do have a similar deck built though. Did you just carpet right on top of the benches? I have some Sea Deck that Im going to put down I think. Its just a great little boat. Forgot to mention - i have a 55 lb thrust Xi-3 on its way with spotlock.
  10. 15 Lb CXX for everything up to and including Wake Jrs and Baby Possums. Tie good knots.
  11. This thread hurts my head.
  12. What kind of line and how tight did you spool it? Loosely spooled mono or hybrid and a tight drag and you will hear a crackly crunchy sound as you pull as the loops tighten and moved around loops under them on the spool. Have you used the reel yet?
  13. It sure was interesting - I was in DC for the one 9 or so years ago as well. This one was light compared to that. I thought a train was going by...we dont live near tracks.
  14. Measuring to keep the head 12" underwater, I'd need at least the 48. With bow lift on waves and such, I didnt think the 54 would be terrible.
  15. I'm going to put an inexpensive bow mount on my inexpensive tinny. I was looking at a MinnKota Powerdrive or Motorguide Xi3 in 45-55 lb thrust and 48-54 in shaft. Anyone have strong opinions on one or the other? I'm thinking foot pedal to stay hands free - am I wrong there?
  16. Thats the UT Ag campus in the background I think. I used to kayak around there. Sad
  17. Theyve got the letters theyve always needed...WFT...Just in the wrong order...
  18. Seems appropriate for this year. It could be the Brown's year too!
  19. Youre on the right track. Look at the Little T and Nolichucky drainages in NC and the Ocoee in TN. I dont know where you're coming from, but the Obed in TN is great too and a Wild and Scenic River. But its not necessarily in Eastern TN.
  20. East Tennessee - near Knoxville or Chattanooga. Plenty of big lakes, plenty of rivers. Brown fish, green, fish, striped fish, and even some good trout. Chickamauga if you want to get big fish. Its just the best place in the US.
  21. There's great mountain trout fishing here as well, but the bigger fish are usually browns not cuts or mysis-fat bows. A ton of put and take fisheries as well as various private waters. Norman is a good fishery, but not without a boat. Plenty of smaller rivers here to chase brown bass.
  22. Ive had a few orders over the last month with no noticeable delays.
  23. Great looking fish! The Potty is one of my favorite all-time fisheries. My wife and I were just took the boat out here and were talking about a couple great days we'd had there, although we fished it in and around DC.
  24. Im still fishing Curado Ds stock. They get cleaned every season and lubed as need. Those reels do everything I need them to from 1/4 oz to 5 ounces.
  25. If you are going solo and are going to stand mid deck for long periods - get the insert, especially if you're 200+. It doesnt hurt to get it other than maybe a little more water not draining.
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