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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. Really depends on where you are but the ice-out lake trout fishing can be pretty good.
  2. I use NorthStar custom baits Hippy Jigs on a regular basis in NC, especially in moving water. It can imitate everything from craws to minnows depending on the color and trailer. Its a year-round bait.
  3. What J said - If you're using braid, you won't have the capacity problem but the lack of stretch might be less forgiving on the reel. I use 15 or 20 lb CXX on 200 sized reels for swimbaits up to 6 oz and have never had a problem. Never hooked a 40" musky though...
  4. This is the bait monkey's Champagne Room...
  5. They very quite a bit across locations and age class. I've seen them in TN that look almost exactly like oversized white bass (like a 5lb white bass) with very few broken stripes to double digit ones in Colorado that look like the coding went wrong and they're turning into crappie. Its very hard to guess these things just on a photo with no location or condition. Physical attributes vary widely and can be misleading.
  6. Then its probably a pure white bass. I have seen them with broken stripes lower on the belly - nice fish btw
  7. cardinals are imploding in the 7th.
  8. The broken lines towards the belly make me think it might be a wiper...
  9. I'll have to try that - I have my own grinder, so sourcing isnt a problem. I like that texture and beefiness of skirt.
  10. 100% normal - "I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them." You just have to make good new days, and appreciate what's in front of you. Much easier said than done!
  11. I use good chuck, ground coarse, one onion per pound of meat, a little good beef stock to braise in, garlic, dried chilis depending on what heat im going for. Simple and classic.
  12. Depending on where you are, especially in the Northeast and Northwest, I find that green bass prefer a sustainably-sourced cold brew from Costa Rica with just a touch of citrusy sweetness and a carmel note. The brown bass prefer a chocolatey Ethiopian blend with a darker roast and finer grind. The spots will drink anything black with caffeine.
  13. I have 5 Curado Ds, a couple Pixies, and a Chronarch Mg (thanks @roadwarrior). That is my regular rotation for everything from dropshot to big swimbaits with various rods. All of these reels are super smooth tanks - they're not feathers, they're hammers.
  14. 94 Chevy Silverado 4wd with the 350 v8. 5 speed stick. I loved that truck but i had a strange habit of hitting things with it. Which quickly led to my next car being an 88 Honda civic, also a 5 speed.
  15. How much are you trying not to spend? You could make tags out of aluminum cans but you'd need a hand punch to affix them.
  16. Check Tractor Supply or your closest farm supply store. There's a myriad of ear tags and clips in plastic and metal for tagging livestock.
  17. My lab likes to eat green tomatos - she's taken out most of my crop this year. I'll send her up.
  18. That sounds fantastic - the Obed is one of my favorite places.
  19. You just gotta find what works for you - wine tends to give me a headache.
  20. I've added red meat back in, but the beer just isnt worth it for me. My last flare up I had a Red Oak Amber at dinner and I could actually feel the attack coming on over the next hour or so - it was pretty definitive. It took a week to get it back down. Maybe switch to White Claws...?
  21. I have been off and on with gout over the past few years. I had foot surgery 3 years ago that really flared it up. Thankfully mine revolves pretty closely around beer, red meat, and hydration. Mostly beer. Medication didn't help me at all, but not drinking beer, limiting my red meat, and staying hydrated have done wonders.
  22. Looks like I'll be in for about $120 plus whatever the longer bolts cost me. Boat Outfitters has it but the thickest I can get is 1". I'll glue four together and countersink a few screws up the middle.
  23. @slonezp Thanks for the reply - where would i get the plastic sheeting? Believe you me, Im looking for the easiest way to do this.
  24. I was going to stack 5 pieces of 1×8, glue together with construction adhesive, and paint. I'd then be using longer bolts to install it. Am I missing an easier solution? Im basically building a 12" by 7" by 3.75" tall rectangle to mount it.
  25. I actually have some round heads from @Bluebasser86 from a ways back. I think I traded him a reel for some lures.
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