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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. Big maybe. We'd have to make the TSSAA playoffs first...
  2. IMO even paint is extremely overrated.
  3. The whole Bare Naked Ladies Christmas album.
  4. Malt vinegar is my first choice, hot sauce a close second. Im not above tarter sauce, but never ketchup. I should hang out with @DitchPanda and @TnRiver46
  5. i fish almost solely Curado Ds with a couple Daiwa Pixies and a Pluton in there as well as a couple Chronarchs. I dont switch or upgrade because the reels are rock solid, super smooth, dead reliable, and pretty easy to work on. I fish everything from ultralight to 7.5 oz swimbaits on the above. None of them are feathers, but they are great reels, and I like the ergonomics and aesthetics.
  6. i was just going to post that - the anaconda is the only Rage product i never caught a fish on. I just didnt fish them much. I wore out some space monkeys though. I rember going through 6 bags in one day fishing grass on the Potomac.
  7. That looks very 'juvie bluegill' to me...
  8. Fished that many times in a kayak - you can see them letting water out of the lock. I was sitting right over it once when the started letting water out - felt like I shot 10 ft in the air. Dang near had to change pants
  9. That Loudon?
  10. If im keeping fresh stockers I throw them on ice immediately. The flavor and texture is better that way than having them slowly die on a stringer or in a bucket. Extra points if you bleed/gut them before the ice bath.
  11. Redneck weight varies by a function of 12 to 16 ounces dependent upon who has been tasked to 'Hold my beer and watch this.'
  12. Chunky spot!
  13. Elijah Craig Small Batch tonight - pretty darn good for a sub-$30 bourbon.
  14. VolFan


  15. Thats some nice fish sandwiches on that string.
  16. I love hot sauce on pizza. I thought I was the only one...
  17. I had one show up under my ladder stand one morning right at sunup. He made some unmistakably catty growly noises looking up at me. Im not sure if I was sleeping in his spot or he didnt know what to make of my cover scent, but he just seemed annoyed.
  18. SteveCat
  19. I use Salomon water shoes for all my spring throung fall wading and hiking. Techamphibians to be exact. They would work with the neoprene socks just understand that sand and gravel will get between them and wear on the socks quite a bit. Been there, went to cheap wool socks when needed.
  20. Thats fun stuff right there - those guys will pull you all over the place.
  21. Put the turkey in the pot and then measure the amount of water you need to cover the turkey by at least a half inch. That is how much oil you need. Preheat the oil well to 350 and then give it another 5-10 minutes to make sure everything is warm. Dont underestimate how long this actually takes. I brine, but don't inject. Make sure the turkey is well-thawed and absolutely dry. Make sure the gibleys arent still in the cavity. Keep the fryer away from plants and curious labs. I think that covers all my mistakes. If you flavor aggressively with the brine, theres no need to inject. I love fried turkey.
  22. That lipless has seen a few fish!
  23. What is his rod?
  24. Just keep getting to that first cup of coffee every morning. We'll be here happy to still have you.
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