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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. True story - I actually get way worse gas mileage in my V8 4Runner with a Nucanoe on top that I do with a 14 ft tin behind it. It really drags on the interstate.
  2. I grew up fishing that lake! Nice catch!
  3. Song’s in your head for a few days now isn’t it? You’re welcome ?
  4. He’s right you know...but it’s the best thing ever.
  5. I had a Dagger Delta come off my Explorer in college taking two crossbars with it. After it hit the interstate it got a gentle 65 mph kiss from a semi to move it to the side of I-40. It had a pretty good scuff from where it touched down and a dent that popped out from the semi.
  6. I have a Lowe 1467 with a 20 hp Merc that I bought for $4500 last May. I don’t think you’re getting that anymore but there is a ton of used tin around the Chick and you should be able to find a well-used boat for what you are looking to spend. Your safety is between your ears. Make good choices that suit whatever boat you end up with and you will have no problems. All things being equal, if you’re not going to be taking other people fishing a lot, I’d get a great kayak setup and save some money.
  7. I’ll have what he’s having^^^ In reality, vermouth in the glass then dump it out. Gin, Olives, dirty. I like Bombay Sapphire but I think I’ve had more kids than martinis in the last fifteen years (and that’s exactly one kid soooo...)
  8. I’m in the same boat... ive had a kayak for 20+ years and just love fishing out of them. But this past year I got a boat...and there’s no replacement for displacement.
  9. Gonna need both Flexseal and probably some Flexseal Tape.
  10. That’s pretty country and good fishing too!
  11. He’s right^. The area I was thinking of is the extreme upper end of Tellico on the Little T, below Chilhowee dam.
  12. Maybe you’d think about the upper end of Melton Hill in TN too - close enough to Knoxville, about as diverse a fishery as you’ll find from Norris dam to the bottom (muskies anyone?), and beautiful country. Should be a little cheaper too, but this is a rocket market.
  13. I concur with the above - when a viognier is great it’s really great but there’s a lot out there that literally taste like pee. Not that I drink that.
  14. I would third/fourth the NZ Sauvignon Blanca listed above. They are the light beer of wines. Also - a good Cali Chardonnay that is aged in steel rather than oak would really fit the bill with pork.
  15. That’s a small crappie
  16. Would small bungees be easier? That also works. Coat hanger is free and easy to bend to the right shape.
  17. I always had better luck catching larger chubs and shiners with a tiny hook and a bit of worm. It really weeds out the smaller ones. Also, any good current break with some depth should have them. But to answer the original question, yes.
  18. VolFan


    What would I have to do for a recipe? That looks amazing
  19. VolFan

    2 shot club

    I had a good friend and coworker pass away yesterday from Covid. He was 52 with a daughter in high school and a son /daughter in law that had just given him his first grandson. Vaccine just came too late for him.
  20. For what it’s worth- I wasn’t talking about interns or seasonal work. You get a person or two interested in the hospitality field to come from a hospitality program - people that want to do the job and generally have few strings attached of family or whatnot and give them a great start in a boutique property. You get one or two high school students that want to work and they will usually bring a couple more that they want to work with. Good money and great resume builder for them. A couple good hires usually leads to more, especially if you can hire from good pools.
  21. Having worked in high end hospitality in a very rural environment, and now in a gov job, I guess I can toss out a suggestion- If you have a local community college or high school, go to their career day or talk to their guidance counselor or the like about looking for people. You’d be surprised by how motivated people are by giving them their first job and a chance at success. For more skilled and/or management positions, if it’s possible, you may consider recruiting from outside the area and letting them live on-property or give them a stipend until they can find housing. A ground-up opportunity would be a huge opportunity from a new grad of Johnson and Wales or really any major college hospitality program. You should have a pretty good-sized pool of people to choose from right now with the hit the hospitality industry has taken over the past year.
  22. If nothing else there’s a great little lily pad covered lake up in Blackwater Falls Park that I’ve fished a bit. Fun bass lake and should be great from a yak. We did our summer vacations in Davis when we lived in DC.
  23. VolFan

    2 shot club

    I have an office full of people that have had both shots from Pfizer. No serious symptoms but a lot of sore shoulders and some tiredness 12-24 hrs after the shot.
  24. Depending on how rural you want to be, I might look for a place on Tellico or Chilhowee in TN, but Chatuge is really really nice, just really rural.
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