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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. Probably at least a 35/3500 series - I have a Pflueger Supreme XT on a Swimbait rod with similar specs. It does double duty dragging for catfish sometimes. I use 40 lb braid but you could probably go 30 or 50 depending on what you’re catching and how you fish. I wouldn’t do mono but that’s just, like, my opinion.
  2. What’s the weight the rod can handle? That should be something like 1-3 oz
  3. You ever tried breading them in crushed up potato chips (really, really good) or cool ranch Doritos (change your life)?
  4. What Tom said. That’s why you have a drag. In a kayak, keep the rod on the same side of the boat as the fish, usually you can take the tip around the front. Let them pull you around, it’s just another big drag. Have a net - don’t futzle with big fish boat side on small line. You will lose, often. And it will make you sad directly proportionally to the size of fish and cost of lure you broke off.
  5. Game gets its flavor from its age, diet, and how you treat it after it’s down. Within reason, shot placement has little effect on it (gut shots being a significant exception). How you cook it also plays a huge role. You can take a significant amount of grey matter out and the heart will still beat for a startling amount of time.
  6. Let the anger flow through you…. And the use it for a good workout! You’ll never win against Mother Nature, Father Time, or their idiot son Murphy, so do what you can to channel it.
  7. You ever see swamp rabbits? The first one I ever saw looked approximately the size of a kangaroo. I missed. Twice.
  8. I thought that halftime show was fantastic and up there with some of the best I’ve seen. Good to see Dre and Snoop back together, and I thought California Love was apropos. Everyone else was just meh. the game was good but I wish the refs had continued to keep the whistles in their pants at the end. Best team probably won, but it was close. Every super bowl should have a villain though. We just had several feel good stories in this one And A LOT of SEC players in high-leverage positions… #bestconference #onlyrealcollegefootball
  9. Great read!
  10. If this trailer is really less than two years old than something is wrong and I would take it back where I got it. The bearing spinning on the spindle instead of around the races is a catastrophic failure and something is seriously wrong with something you’re doing or with the original parts.
  11. The officials are held to an impossible standard - they get a split second to see and decide on a penalty from one angle while also doing a myriad of other things, and then the announcers and viewers can pick it apart in 360 degrees forever. Then there’s no recompense for wrong calls and that just bleeds into the frustration. I thought these guys did a good job of not throwing any flags until the last couple minutes and then it got silly. I think they should let them play a little more outside of the safety issues with things like targeting and lowering the head on hits.
  12. Is this the old folks thread?
  13. Congrats on your achievements - that’s a great start! Diet has always been key for me for weight; good sleep and no booze has always been key for me for exercise (I workout in the morning). Integrating a good diet and exercise into your life is key to maintaining it. If it’s an extra- it’d the first thing to go. Cue @A-Jay to make me feel like a slob…
  14. I had to be my own dog most of the time but it was a dang good time!
  15. Stalk slow along edges - look for their eyes. They will hold remarkably tight in tufts of cover. I never did it with a bow but it was my favorite thing to hunt growing up.
  16. If I bought one I would get 50% off my marriage with it!
  17. Me. Me on my boat makes my life easier. usually.
  18. I use 30 lb CXX and Big Game to a 20 lb leader. Lighter leader to break off if snagged.
  19. Repetitive but: tool magnet lithium battery and spot lock cup holders Ultimate bunks
  20. I have a BUNCH of those flip and swims - they are great jigs. What you are describing has never been a problem, and you can flip them into some nasty stuff. If you’re not fishing heavy cover, or you’re swimming mostly open water, trim the weed guard back
  21. Wear your PFD and have at it! Maybe wait until summer to experiment too much though?
  22. I think keeping a yak that small upright might be harder on your spine than lifting one on a car. 8x2 is tiny and more likely a play or whitewater boat. What boat are you looking at? I would also go with a tube if you’re going minimal- they’re great platforms
  23. Same for me with squirrels, rabbits, and labradors.
  24. They grow like kudzu. I’d have more but my dog has developed a taste for them so I have to find them first.
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