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Everything posted by VolFan

  1. That’s the only way I eat the little ones! Way easier to clean that way and the fins get super crispy!
  2. Hard to laugh with you if you’re not laughing…that sucks!
  3. I thought I gave you a great rod for what you’re proposing in the 7’6” or 8’ Battlecat spinning. It’s even a two piece where the handle comes off.
  4. I didn’t even know they were in Cherokee! Nice fish.
  5. Nuts!
  6. I can 100% raise a pint 100+ times over two hours, and just get better looking… No problems the next day either as long as I’m properly hydrated.
  7. Depending on what action you are looking for, I have some Okuma Battle Cat rods in the spinning model. Great rods for fishing big baits. Slower action as well.Definitely not feathers though.
  8. Timely: https://amp.naplesnews.com/amp/7294524001 This happened yesterday on the Estero River near my in-laws house. We were literally at the spot where the drowning occurred less than 30 min before the drowning. The River there is more of a big ditch, less than 30 feet across, almost zero current, and you have to work to find water more than 4 feet deep. We almost have to have seen/talked to the person that drowned, and they may have been part of the group that switched into the two tandems we returned right around noon. It is a really creep feeling.
  9. VolFan


    It is the fastest growing sport in ‘Murica - It’s like playing ping pong while standing on the table.
  10. CXX or Yozuri Hybrid in 15 or 17 lb up to 3 oz. 20 lb up to 6 oz, and three Advil for anything over that. Tried braid to leader and straight braid and there’s just very little room for error with almost no benefit. I’ve had precious few Swimbait bites that weren’t obvious on CXX, and most of those were dragging a Hudd.
  11. I used to be fairly immune. Found out the hard way in 2020 that I was no longer immune. Both forearms and a good chunk of the side of my stomach where I probably brushed my arm against under a t-shirt. Kept it clean and washed a couple/3 times a day. Not pleasant but didn’t die.
  12. Saw a pair of nesting blue herons, then a beaver up close, then a pair of owls tonight on a walk with the wife. We live in the middle of Charlotte- it was the craziest 20 min of wildlife I’ve seen in a long time!
  13. I always liked Tellico and lakes upstream from there on the Little T, but I don’t think you can go wrong in East TN. Melton Hill is my other fav.
  14. Nucanoe Frontier or the replacement that just came out (I don’t remember the name ). I’ve had a Frontier for almost 7 years, it’s a really great boat solo or tandem.
  15. I was kayaking on Calderwood Lake on a sunny warm early summer afternoon when a thunderstorm blew right down the lake. Temp dropped about 20 degrees and I made for shore as the wind blew me down lake. Pulled my boat up enough and hid in a cave while it absolutely raged. It was like watching a hurricane. I had to build a little fire since the temp dropped and I was not outfitted for 50 degrees and wet.
  16. That’s it - it’s impossible to give good advice without a video or something
  17. It’s a very similar substance to plastic, stretched into fibers and woven. Cotton is the original breathable, and not an insulating layer. Totally been there in a deer stand with a sweaty cotton t-shirt, freezing to death. There’s nothing better in a hot summer in Memphis though.
  18. Does it do it with the spool off?
  19. I’ve been running a 55 ah one with my 55 lb 12v trolling motor for a couple years now in my 1467. The weight savings is great in the small boat, especially with the TM battery up in the bow. I got a cheaper one if Amazon, but can’t seem to find what it was I bought.
  20. 5 minutes? I rip it duct taping my boots before I’m even zipped up!
  21. 3 seed - GBO!!!’
  22. I would respectfully disagree with your disagreement and will keep it with the auto analogy ? -6.1 is like saying ‘sedan’. There are many other things that go into performance and comfort, with each manufacturer having their own unique characteristics. Pertinent to this discussion would be spool size and IPT, which would truly give a measure of performance. Some 6.1s are faster than others. But sedans do many things well and nothing great, except for Taurusi. Definitely not a Taurus.
  23. Ford…Chevy…Toyota… different things for different people who fish differently
  24. Fill my boots up with sand, put a stiff drink in my hand… then dump me overboard. I’ll be fine!
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