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  1. finally pick up techna av for 90, actually love zollion better, but the price, for 90, I have nothing to say
  2. thinking to buy one of them 6.6-7" for pitching jig is there any one have used both of them? any input is appreciate. thank you
  3. it is 6ft 6in, Medium power, Mod Fast I am thinking to buy one for shallow to mid depth crank like rapala DT, bomber sth like that , even jerk biat. is it good for those kind of cranks? thanks
  4. haha mine is 6375 too. thanks for your guys reply now I am thinking sell it, I really hate this
  5. hehe, so scared to do this to my reel. is there any other easy way?
  6. hi, I have curado 101D and Citica 201D, I just wondering how I can lube them. where I could drop that oil? is there any video or pic and I see?
  7. hi guys I have this rod which is TYS66MT-2 6'6" M 2 PIECE. I only know it's action is M. I am not sure what kind of tip it is, just feel it is very soft. and if some guys famliar with it, can you tell me what kind of lure I should tie on this rod? thank you
  8. Canada is not heaven, man. you have to pay tax for everything, even you buy the things from outsea, you still have to pay custom, broker fee sth. once I bought a moto mounter for my boat. the mount is 30, but when I get it, I paid almost 90. that's terrible experience made me never buy sth online from outsea any more.
  9. thank you guys' answer. the problem is I am a poor canadian, there is no cabelas around me, the only one basspro is 400km away from me. I can find some Quantum, Shimano, diwa, G-loomis in my local store, but it's really hard to find what I want.
  10. hi guys, I am new for this forum. I am looking for a 2 pieces 7' M/H cast rod around $100 for pitching jig and spinner. what I found there is only 2 pc for 6'6, no 7' or 7'2. I don't know why. And if I really have to buy 6'6, can you guys give me some recommendation? thank you
  11. hi, I am a newbie here. I am going to buy some St. Croix Rods on sale with reel together, they said they have 10%off. I just wondering if they aslo have mail in rebate included(like bass pro etc... or I just fill the rebate form download from basspro) for the Shimano Curado D/Shimano Citica D ?
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