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Everything posted by BrianSnat

  1. I'd go with: The 4-3/8" floating Rapala, silver A popper of some sort. I like the Rapala Skitter Pop or a Rebel Zell Rowland Pop-R. Rapala Count Down 4-3/8" 7" plastic worm, blackish or purpleish. There are many good ones. I'm not sure why you ruled out spinners because my last would be a Mepps spinner, brass blade.
  2. I've been bass fishing since I was 10, but for some 36 years nearly all of it was on the same lake. It was a private lake about a mile long with many coves and some great bass fishing. I knew every drop off, every weed bed, every spring, every submerged rock, what lure to use when and always did quite well. I probably caught hundreds of bass over the years, many in the 4-6 lb category (that's pretty big in NJ) About 4 years ago I put jonboat on my neighborhood lake and started fishing here. Small lake - maybe 300 yards across, but it was an easy lake to fish and I've done well at this lake too. I recently purchased a trailer and boat and have been trying out new places and have been humbled. 8 hours on one lake and with one baby bass not much longer than the lure. Half a day on another without a thing. Two days on another with only a tiny smallmouth to show for it. I basically discovered that everything I knew about bass fishing didn't amount to much. So here I am looking for tips.
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