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Everything posted by Rebbasser

  1. Yep, but just polarized lenses. Been debating getting some clear lenses-not so much for eye protection as keeping my contacts in my eyes while running. Hasn't been a problem latelu, though-Flyrod and I have been fishing an electrics only lake.
  2. As Flyrod's fishing partner I can attest to this. After watching him use a baitcaster to catch these fish and not really liking using a spinning reel I found a rod today that should do the job nicely, although not a high dollar rod like the Avid. I got a Falcon saltwater rod-a coastal topwater rod to be exact. On sale, too . Looking forward to trying it out when Flyrod and I hit the lake on Saturday.
  3. For a while there FSN was showing Classic Patterns after the FLW coverage on Sunday(If I remember correctly). That was informative-had pros showing how to do different techniques. Hopefully they will keep showing the tournament coverage-at least you can see how the pros are actually fishing the tourney.
  4. SFC_AL, those 30-40-50 fish days DO happen. Thing is, those are the kind of days that keep you coming back on the days you get skunked, and are few and far between. I've been fishing for 40 years, and have had maybe 4 days like that. The best day I ever had I honestly can't tell you how many fish I got that one day-the only number I remember is I lost count at 27 largemouth between 1-2 lbs on a chrome/black back baby torpedo. On 27 consecutive casts. Right time, right place, right bait, and I doubt I'll ever have a day like that again. I fish a lot with Flyrod, who I met on this board, and we usually get at least 10 between us but most are dinks. Still, you always hope that today will be that kind of day, and every now and then, it is
  5. At least every other week if not every week. Wish I could get out more often.
  6. Oh yeah-a lot of good memories from that time of life. My dad started me perch jerking when I was a little kid and we progressed from there. The bug bit me worse than it did dad, so I ended up teaching him instead of him teaching me. My best friend and I fished every chance we got in junior high and high school, and we tought ourselves how to use different lures-jiterbugs, Big-Os, and the ever reliable Mann's Jelly Worms. And you know what? I still get that Night-Before-Christmas feeling when I'm going out the next day.
  7. I make it real simple: A T-rig for vertical presentations and a C-rig for horizontal. For example, I'll use a T-rig to fish specific pieces of cover-laydown, flooded tree top, etc. but I use a C-rig to cover water, work the edge of a weedline or drag it across a point where I need a horizontal presentation.
  8. Welcome to the forum! That link Glenn posted will point you in the right direction, answer a lot of questions and generate a whole lot more ;D. My advice would be to check out that link, then come back and ask away! And the only dumb question is the one that isn't asked, so don't let that stop you. For most of the folks on these sites if they can't be out fishing they'd just as soon talk about it, so jump right in.
  9. Yep, and it just reinforced trusting my gut instinct. I was fishing a spot where hydrilla and cattails came together, throwing a baby bass/pearl swirl Bamboo Stick on 12 lb mono. Right before I made the cast I said to myself I needed to change to braid-I had the exact same setup on the deck next to me spooled with braid-but went ahead and cast. Felt the thump and set the hook. She came up, rolled on the surface, smiled at me and dove into the hydrilla and snapped the line. If she wasn't double digits she was real close-if I had gone with my gut and switched rods before I made that cast I might be telling a different tale.
  10. Both and neither. Depends on what the fish want. The retrieve I use most often is slowly raise the rod tip, let it settle, and repeat.
  11. 30 lbs will be fine. I use WalMart Everstarts-I've got a 24 volt motor so I have to have two. As far as a battery charger goes, I've got an Everstart charger as well, although I have an on-board system so I don't use it much. Just make sure it has a deep cycle setting and a trickle charge-5 amps is standard it seems-mine has a 2 amp. The one thing to be sure to do is if possible charge the battery up as soon as you get done using it. Otherwise it can take a set, meaning the battery will not take a full charge.
  12. Depends on the hook-an offset shank worm hook I leave just underneath the surface of the plastic and with an EWG hook I skin hook it-push it all the way through so it lays flat on the worm and then punch the point of the hook in just under the skin. Hookset-I cranh the handle real quick to pull in the slack leaning forward at the same time-then I straighten up quick and whip the rod tip away from the fish, either over my head or off to the side.
  13. Seeing as how it doesn't get all that cold in South Texas-I haven't seen water temps lower than 48 or so-I'll take the cooler weather. Getting your hand burned when you pick up a different rod ain't exactly a pleasant experience.
  14. You going to hang that toad on the wall ;D? Had the same thing happen with a fluke one time-it was bigger than the fish, and I didn't even set the hook-the fluke just got wedged in the fish's mouth.
  15. Yep. Ain't nothing like setting the hook on a nice fish.
  16. I've fished with a couple guys I met here. Flyrod and I fish together about every other if not every week-not only is he a good fishin' buddy he has turned out to be a real good friend. This past wekend I fished with RottManK9-he sent me an email out of the blue and when I found he was active duty recently returned from Iraq I offered to take him out on the water-I'll let him relate the experience when he gets a chance, but suffice it to say we had an absolute blast(and he has the pictures ). Guess I've been real lucky .
  17. Might as well throw in my $.02. I use a 7' Falcon Low Rider Carolina Lizard Dragger rod and a BPS Extreme reel. For line I use 50 lb PowerPro with a 17 lb Flourocarbon leader. I use one of 2 weights: Either 2 Tungsten sinkers-no bead needed since the tungsten click together just fine, or in rocky terrain a Lindy Rattlin' No-Snag sinker. It's bananna shaped and won't han up in the rocks. Baits-I've used just about every soft plastic there is. For the most part I do not like the 3X baits because they get so sticky, but a 3X fry or fluke works great.
  18. If you have Microsoft Works here is one I made that you can customize however you want: Fishing Log I fill it out from the list view and them print it out from the form view and keep it in a binder.
  19. Ain't that the truth!
  20. Same if the jig feels "heavy" when you lift it up off the bottom. It is better to do a swing and a miss than not to swing at all
  21. Sounds ike you are on the right track. You are fishing in the right places. Two things I'd suggest-try a shallow running crankbait in and around the cover. I've been catching them lately on a Bandit 100 series. It will run 2-5 feet but it has a square lip so it is pretty snag free even in heavy timber. The other is to try a wacky rig with a senko-type bait or a straight tailed worm. If you are not familiar with this rig here is how to rig it: Just cast it out and let it sink, but be sure to watch your line-a lot of times you don't feel a hit-your line starts to tighten up or the bait gets "heavy". I fish a lake very similar to the one you describe but it has clear water-and lots of wind, lake lice and skiers. I can catch fish on the wacky rig when nothing else works.
  22. Most times the bait monkey is small and somewhat manageable, but be warned-there are times when he goes from monkey to 500 pound gorilla. In a heartbeat.
  23. Way too much and I love every minute of it!
  24. Bullfrog SPF 30 spray on-keeps it off my hands and therefore the bait I am using. Does a great job keeping me from burning or worse. I wish I had been using it for a long time before I started using it all the time-the basal cell carcinoma they carved off my right shoulder is proof of that. Or rather the inch long scar is. Do yourself a favor-get some and USE IT!
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