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Everything posted by Rebbasser

  1. Here is a way to get the hook out. Fortunately I haven't had to use it yet, but from what I hear it really works: http://www.in-fisherman.com/magazine/articles/if2806_HookRemoval/
  2. I'd say fishing the shade is a good bet. A few weeks ago-I'm in South Texas-we were fishing a sunny day and all our fish came from the shade-we fished the shadows of standing timber and caught fish, but none from the sunny side. Water temp was in the upper 60s and air temp in the 80s. The shade also makes for a good ambush point-the baitfish can't see the bass lurking in the shadows.
  3. How about some specifics? For example, like John said, water temp? Clear water? Muddy? Cover-flooded trees, docks, pads, hydrilla, etc? Give us a little more info and we can point you in the right direction.
  4. A spinnerbait with a big, single Colorado blade. I don't fish muddy water without one
  5. Bassman, if you figure out how to fix that flaw, let me know ;D. You present two possibilities: Stay with the same lure and change locations, or stay in the same location and change lures. What I try to do is both. For example, if I am fishing an area I know has fish either in or around it, I will change baits to see what they want. I usually have 2-3 rods rigged with something different that I can try at different times to see if I can find what they want at that time. On the flip side, a few weeks back I found the bait early-they were hitting baby bass/pearl swirl Tiki Sticks. However, the only place I could get bit was in areas where hydrilla and cattails met, right next to the cattails-a foot away and no hits-they wanted it right at the base of the cattails. Doesn't really answer your question, though. I try to give each bait and each location a fair chance, but if I feel I have worked a bait long enough I chnage and if I feel I have worked an area hard enough I move. There really aren't any hard and fast rules-just work a lure or fish a location enough to feel satisfied you need to try something else or move to another location, and don't be afraid to change. No it didn't. You are just getting caught up in what other people are doing-you see somneone doing something different and start doubting your ability. Fish YOUR way, not somebody else's. Not always easy to do, believe me. You know what will work and won't work in just about every situation you see on the water, so play to your strengths. I'll give you an example: I have a buddy who is a crankbaiter. Head to head he will stomp me into the mud with a crankbait, but give him a soft plastic bait like a Tiki Stick or a Fluke and guess who gets stomped? Fish your way, but keep an open mind-change and experiment if you need to. My goal is to become a better crankbaiter this year, and my buddy is working on soft plastics. We both are working to be more versatile. Good Luck!
  6. 20 feet? A C-rig, Jig-n-pig,or a jigging spoon would be good choices. You will need something to get deep, and those will.
  7. I've only had that happen once. I was fishing a small stock tank and caught it on one side then caught it again about an hour later from the other side.
  8. Welcome to the forum! Glenn, you beat me to it.
  9. Since you are just getting started here is a great link that has a lot of good info: http://www.bassresource.com/beginner/beginner.html What you are asking about lures and brands is a mighty wide topic-take a look at that site and it can help point you in the right direction.
  10. 3/0 or 4/0 offset shank worm hook. For a bulkier bait I use an EWG hook.. I wacky rig on a 1/0 Tru-Turn hook.
  11. In a tournament live bait is against the rules, but for fun fishing if you like to use live bait have at it. I haven't used live bait since I was a kid because I prefer lures, but that is me. I don't think I have ever used my depthfinder to find fish. I do use it to find fish holding cover.
  12. The only thing I do different from what you are doing is in sunny conditions and muddy/stained water I use brighter colors. In clear warter I use naturals like watermelon seed, watermelon red and green pumpkin in adition to balck and blue.
  13. Mine came with two knobs you tighten up. If you hit something it will give, but doesn't always go back into the vertical position. I got a spring break kit, which replaces the knobs with springs. If it hits something, it gives way, but then the springs pull the TM back into position.
  14. It really all comes down to personal preference. Use what works for you.
  15. If it keeps happening you may need to run the depthfinder off the cranking battery rather than the TM battery. I've heard running them both off the same battery can cause interference. I wired mine into the cranking battery to avoid any trouble.
  16. I think I'd go nuts if Texas had a closed season. Good luck when you get on the water!
  17. Try a jigging spoon. Gets deep quick and is a great cold water bait.
  18. Hey, Marty! Thought I was a member already-guess the forum change messed me up. Oh well ;D
  19. Hard to beat a spinnerbait with a big, single Colorado blade. As the others have said, noise/vibration is the key-you want to move water.
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