Whenever I see something like this I have one question: Have you checked to see if your hooks are sharp? With all the discussion on line, lures, etc. the sharpness of the hook rarely gets mentioned. I would be willing to bet the majority of people never check-they figure a hook right out of the box or hook right out of the package is sharp. BIG mistake. Sure, there are some that are extremely sharp. And some that aren't-ever checked the hooks on a Rat-L-Trap right out of the box?
Do yourself a favor: Next time you are in WalMart or BPS or wherever get yourself a hook sharpener. I use one of these:
Less that $5 and well worth the investment. Check to see if the point will dig into your fingernail with just a small amount of pressure. If not, it needs to be sharpened. You would be surprised at the number of name brand hooks that need to be sharpened right out of the box.