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About riverfisher

  • Birthday 08/04/1974

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  • Location
    Charlton NY

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. Do not go to the Chinese Buffet the night before............................ Do not forget a roll of TP!!! Fish your strengths and have fun!!!
  2. Head a little east of Cooperstown if you dont want to rent a boat and hit Schoharie creek!! Awesome smallie and walleye creek!!
  3. One bait for Creek Fishin Im gonna have to say Chug Bug......................wait white 4" curley tail.....................no Fluke!!
  4. Video shows recent conditions out of Ti. There still catchen'em!!
  5. That's one MONSTER GOLDFISH!! My gold fish took a 1/2oz flippen jig!! I thought I caught somethin that hung out to long around the chemical plant at first! haha
  6. Good goin guy's perfect pass!!
  7. Thanks Fishn for taking the time to get this started!! Let me know when next years pass get's started!! Dan
  8. Sorry for the delay had some family stuff come up. I will have the box out to Crank Monday morning!!
  9. Looked like the little nuggets that just won't flush!! hahahahaha ;D
  10. Box arrived yesterday. I will have it back out in the mail after work today or tomarrow in the AM. I nabbed a few things and put in a bunch of NEW stuff. There were a few things in there not really useable and taking up quality space and they got tossed. Sorry I really couldn't see anybody using them at all.
  11. Oh the Maui Jims I'm sticken in there need to be owned by someone with a big dome!! So I hope one of you two has a melon head!! ;D
  12. Ill try to hook it up for the last two when I get it. I'll still be adding my pile, regardless that I have accumulated. Mainly all NEW never used stuff. Well accept a used pair of Maui Jims they were used a little!
  13. I'm looking to get a couple Baby Wakes myself they are awesome!! Just sold a new Wake Jr. I have some sweet floating Evergreen swim bait's maybe even a couple Triple Trouts if anyone is interested. Shoot me a pm for details
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