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Everything posted by luger306

  1. yea Marsh Master you took a good hit to looks like it will be reds and specks for a while I was just looking forward to some good fall bass fishing it's beautiful in there in the fall
  2. There are three main factors.the debris from the tree leaves and limbs that are decomposing. all of the rain turns up the bottom. the third is the basin itself it fills up and has nowhere to go no fresh water coming in or going out there is some salt water damage around Morgan City but that part of the basin is brackish water. the upper part of the basin depends on the corps to send water though it and if they let it drain itself it could take weeks if not months and the longer it takes more fish and the wildlife that feed on those fish die.
  3. Hurricane Gustav effects on fishing in the Atchafalaya Basin are going to be felt for some time. the damage is pretty widespread the wildlife and fisheries still does not know how bad it will be but from the smell of it it's pretty bad.There are fish dead by the hundreds. some 4 and 5 pounds. the biologis are tring to get the corps of engineers to increase the water flow by 30 percent but the corps are just giving up 3. Now the western part of the state and Texas have Ike's aftermath. I wonder how their fishing will be effected. it's not something you think about while you are trying to rebuild but it's effects last years. after Andrew the fishing didn't come around for 5 years.
  4. I have a 19' sea ark with rhino lining on deck yes it does get hot but not as hot as it did before it was installed it does add some weight to the boat but I am still able to fish skinny water when fishing for reds
  5. we made it this time with little damage.Opelousas,Ville Platte took a good hit not to sure bad the lower parts did but they are telling eveone to stay where you are at.we are still geting some rain but not as bad as some had to go to the shop and check out some gen. sets out saw alot of down trees but everone is cleaning up
  6. they say it should be a cat1 by the time it hits Lafayette I have looked at the DOT cameras and checked the state tropers web page the only bad spots is in the big easy but that will change as more people head out a good web sight is www.katc.com they will keep you up to date on what is going on in Lafayette Long Mike I would stay put you are safer there than here we are still trying to decide wether to leave or not thanks for the prayers and we will keep all of you in ours thanks Muddy and God bless
  7. don't look good for me started picking up things and geting the camper ready yesterday today we got the last of it done the wife will drive the truck with the boat and I will drive the camper we just don't know just yet how bad if it is a cat 1 we stay put any higher we head north just hope for the best and plan for the worst
  8. thanks for the info
  9. just got back from the Academy while I was looking at the reels the salesman told me that any shimano reel over $75.00 you geet a free rod(cantar) I was looking at a citica 100 bucks and some change.so I checked out the cantar rods($99.00).so here is the question what is the difference between a freshwater rod and a inshore rod (6'3" line 8-17# lure1/4-3/4oz power med. action fast )also picked up a flipping stick by American rod smiths for 69.00
  10. check your ground make sure it is grounded to the trailer
  11. welcom to cajun country the atchafalaya basin is just 10 mil. from Lafayette you can catch some good fish. just be careful a lot of people have got lost in there I would try henderson they have been catching in the Butte la rose canal not to sure what they have been using I will try to find out and get back with you
  12. catt that is the only way to do crabs
  13. give bad news to my boss.I am a diesel mechanic/pump operator for a oilfeild sevice company. If it's broken they call me to fix it
  14. diesel mechanic/pump operator for a oil field service company=on call more then off(24/7)
  15. the suspension gives you more ground clearance than a body lift if you are going 6" go suspension it will be more expensive. will it cut into your MPG yes bigger tires = more power to turn them = more gas used
  16. just keep a old rod riged up with a old rusty crankbait when he comes in casting range you lead them a little and set the hook hard
  17. it's all fun and games untell the cops show up
  18. I am a diesel mechanic for a oil field service company
  19. You spend your honeymoon at the camp fishing (did it just glad that she likes to fish)
  20. I always fish the slot if they have one if not I go by the law I never take more than we can eat so they don't go to waste we love fish and if I catch a big one it goes to the breading program in Louisiana
  21. luger is the name of the best dog I ever had and 306 is my house number
  22. first get a ID second always respect the badge not the man third get a copy of the game laws read them and follow the laws and make sure anyone you fish with does the same you are who you run with when they see that you are stright up with them they will cut you some slack
  23. my dream starts in my home waters fishing for tuna at the midnight lumps with the wife then we load up the camper and fish our way up to Alaska for slamon then we hunt our way back home
  24. thanks for all the hard work and to you and yours may the season be marry
  25. when I striped my boat I used aircraft striper got it from auto zone you brush it on and scrape it off.if you get it on your skin you will know about it real quick so be careful but my boat came out real good good luck
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