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Everything posted by luger306

  1. I have a stag (lefthand) and have had no problems with it and have no problems telling you to look at them
  2. luger306


    I reload sst for my 30-06 bthp for my 7ultmag and shoot holes in holes with both loads
  3. Thermacell you don't have anything on you so you don't have anything on your hands,lure or line
  4. no he is a Cajun! a Cajun will plan lunch while eating breakfast plan supper while eating lunch.a Cajun lives to eat not eats to live.cooking to a Cajun it's not a religion it's more important than that
  5. go with the wrap and see how long it last
  6. if I could only pick one I would go with #1.I would be thinking where the big ones are.#2 I would be thinking what I did right,what I am doing wrong,why they turned off,looking for the same condition second guessing myself all day.#1 is the way for me
  7. I have fished as long as I could remember. my wife also fishes so it is something we do together along with camping. I hunt,reload and shoot long range I also do some woodworking but fishing and shooting does take up a lot of my time(talking,learning and doing)it's a close race
  8. had the same thing happen check your ground I chased it for half a day a friend told me to drive around the block then everthing worked
  9. this is a summer trick get a pack of red kool aid and pour it in the sweat band of someone's hard hat.
  10. you should have grabbed the camcorder and sent it to funny videos you would have a winner ;D
  11. 1 fish my way to Alaska 2 hunt may home 3 ring the gong at a 1000 yards 4 take a deer at 800 yards 5 catch a double digit LMB
  12. remember she should be you friend, wife then lover in that order never go any place alone that you would not take her.some of the best dates we have had were spent at home.unplug the TV ,send the kids to a sitter(if any),turn off the phones(cells also)don't forget the computer.buy a better wine than 20/20(may be strawberry hill)while at the store buy two stakes,potatoes,onions,mushrooms cook them together.talk about where yall want to go in you marriage don't look in the pass to long(just long enuf to see your coarse)don't bring up the bad and remember the date does not stop at the end of the night treat her like you lady. good luck
  13. 41 has made me fish smarter not harder use to run and gun now I plan a trip and do the homework.if I could have a do over I would take better care of my body.just can't wait tell I turn 50 :
  14. go with your gut it is what will keep you safe if it don't feel right it isn't right.
  15. we will keep his family in our prayers
  16. living in Louisiana we stock up every spring we keep the boat fuel tank full along with three 5 gal. fuel cans (use stable in them)fill up the propane tanks keep the camper stocked with can goods,water,propane,and fuel.I Also keep 2 cans of Coleman fuel for the stove and lantern.
  17. thanks guys I will give it a try when I get back in. if the wife doesn't have to many honey do's then I will have to sneak away when she isn't looking pay the price later
  18. have you ever fished lake larto if you have what can you tell me about it.
  19. luger306


    65 6:00 this morning 41 at 12:00
  20. I have fished it two times on the south end (Lomotte creek) and did well using a jig. they have a lot of stumps in deep water.I never found a good map of the lake if you type in bathymetric survey of Kincaid lake you will find the only map I found that gives water depth but you have three boat landings one is north of the dam one is south of it the other is on the other side of the lake. the deepest water is 20'around the dam with some ridges up to 15' hope you do. well let us know how you did and I hope I was able to help
  21. I hunt with 30-06 because I like the round.If you reload you can load it to shoot just as flat as a 270.the 30-06 can take any big game on this continent and most on the Africa.the gun makers know if you want a model to succeed make it in 30-06.But it comes down to one thing what you want.when you buy the gun go to the range and learn the gun don't put three rounds through it and pack it up
  22. try the timberlands they are a good boot I will go through a good (red wings) pair of boots in a year tried the wolverine they didn't last 3 months I have had the timberlands for 6 months no problems and for a boot to last that long in the oilfield it's a good boot
  23. Catt how did you make out? hope everone is ok.I had a camp at little chenier on the Mermentau and loss it with rita.I have photos two days after the storm and it is amazing how that marsh came back that storm helped some of it but washed a lot away the basin is a little different the corps stopped the natural flow to control flooding but it also stopped the swamp from healing itself a little more water thought it would help
  24. Mstar check your map that refinery is in the lake charles area it was shut down for the storm
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