Hey guys- my first post to this forum. I have enjoyed reading many post on here along with the answers and comments. I am a new boat owner and it has some modifications from the previous owner but I want to re-do the whole boat to my ideas (or in hope from you guys too with some good ideas).It is a fiberglass 14' x 60" at the widest point. First, here are my ideas that I have for the boat.
1.Paint the boat, outside and inside.
2.Install new carpet
3. Add some storage areas
4. Paint the trailer
5. New tires on the trailer.
6. New winch (manual)
7.Seats re-dyed to another color
8.Maybe add some decals to the side
9.New trolling motor
Ok, enough for the wish list,lol! I will ask some questions about the items I want to change on numbers 1-9!
1. What would be the best type of paint to use and would a roller work or spray?Best sand paper to use on fiberglass tp prep it for painting?
2. Best place to buy carpet and from experience...any special type?
7. planning on using the vinyl dye for the seats..any recommendations?
8. suggestions on where to get a good variety of decals?
I have more questions but I will spare you guys of those right now,lol. It will be concerning electrical,wiring of all electrical equipment.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions on these items.
link to pics http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff23/BassNC/