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Everything posted by balsadestroyer

  1. I just posted a list of blank crankbaits for sale as a lot in the fishing flea market forum. I used to custom airbrush baits but haven't had the time in 2 years, so I'm getting rid of inventory. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/110492-lot-of-crankbait-blanks/
  2. No sand paper. The best thing is definately Krud Kutter. You can buy it at Lowe's and it will remove any factory paint job. It may have to soak a few days but it will eventually take it off.
  3. For repainting plastic cranks I like Rustoleum crystal clear enamel.
  4. Trying a new fat bodied, shallow, balsa crank design. Bluegill and rootbeer. I'll give them a shot in a few weeks.
  5. Just wanted to show off my new bait dryer that my buddy made for me. He's an engineering student at UK made this out of old VCR parts.
  6. Crawfish
  7. Some more.
  8. Some new repaints that I finished.
  9. For all you rod makers out there, what would be a rough estimate that you would charge to make me a rod that resembled an old Mitchell Fulcrum. I would want it 7', MH, and balanced so that when you hold it, it naturally tips at a 45 degree angle. Nothing intricate or fancy, just a solid rod with good balance like the original. Oh yeah, with Fuji alconite guides.
  10. I use a gravity feed airbrush which allows me to use low PSI settings. If I'm doing base coat painting I use 15-20 psi but if I'm doing small detailed work I'll use 10-15 psi. The low psi lets me get close to the bait without splattering paint.
  11. Here's a bluegill pattern I've been working on. The lighting in my picture is bad, but it's a good as I could get it.
  12. Unfortunately Berkley has discontinued a fantastic worm color for their 10in powerworms. My fishing buddies and I have been scouring the region for all available supplies but they are pretty much all gone. I was just curious if any of you plastic guys out there could duplicate the 10in powerworm in motoroil (without redflake). They still make their 7in version in motoroil but not the 10in worms. If so let me know and I would be glad to provide you with a few customers. If anyone knows of any factory packs of 10in motoroil worms still left out there rotting on some tackle store shelf, please let me know.
  13. another pic.
  14. I tried to custom paint my new Save Phace mask. It was solid white when I bought it and I tried to do an aviator pattern with the oxygen mask and helmet. It's no professional job, but it's better than being solid white.
  15. The internet site bearair.com has some good brushes at good prices. I got a new gravity feed paasche with two size tips and needles for about half of what it would have cost anywhere else.
  16. lurehardware.com
  17. Doesn't really sound worth it. Thanks for the heads up.
  18. I talked to a guy that custom paints hockey masks and motorcycle helmets and asked him what he uses as his clear coat. He said that automotive finishes like PPG 4042 work well for him. I'm going to get some and try it out, I'll post my results. I figured if the clear coat is tough enough for a hockey player's mask then it must be tough enough for cranks.
  19. Where do you find your fabric that you use when spraying scales?
  20. Thanks a bunch, I'll check it out.
  21. I use the Devcon epoxy when sealing the paint job on my balsa cranks, but using it to seal a new paint job on factory cranks seems to make the body a little more bulky. Is there any sort of coating that I can use on factory cranks that forms a hard coat but won't make it bulky like the Devcon epoxy? What does everyone else use?
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