Well, The Thursday before Christmas I dislocated my pinky finger playing basketball. It really didnt hurt all that bad, just a little weird to see my bone looking like it wanted to poke through my skin. I might have said F a few times and that was about it. I hopped in my car and drove to the hospital because I wasnt sure what exactly was wrong at the time. Long story short, the doc looked at the Xrays and said no Tendons were damaged. He gave me a digital block, which by the way hurt 43 times worse than actually dislocating it. After my finger was numb he reduced it and wrote me a script for some pain meds and anti inflammatory. The doc never gave me a time frame. Just gave me a doctor to follow up with. The D/C nurse though said she would guess roughly 6 weeks though.
I never went to see the doc the next day because I figured if there were no Torn Tendons and it wasnt broke, whats the point of missing work and paying for another Doc to tell me the same thing the ER nurse already told me? All has been well other than bumping it on things a couple times a day and having it hurt for a minute or 2. Fast forward to yesterday. I was walking by the couch carrying a box outside to the curb and my pinky, which is in a splint sticking straight out and Im not used to that, clipped the side of the couch and bent away from my ring finger. It instantly felt like I had dislocated it again. Alot of pressure and a dull pain. I stood there for a second and started feeling on my finger to see if the bone felt out of place or was visibly deformed. After a few minutes the intense pain went away but then I started getting purple-ish lines around my knuckle where I was feeling and lightly squeezing when I was checking it.
It is still swollen but not hurting really anymore. I need to be more careful though I know.
How long does it take for something like this to heal enough where I can take the splint off and it be functional. I took the splint off to see it and I cant even bend it at all. I would have thought with it only being dislocated I would be able to see SOME improvement in 2 weeks time. Maybe Im just rushing it because it is interfering with work and fishing.