I agree 100%. I planned on having it changed to 25% (even though we can legally pass 20% and the law states 25% as the limit) after i went through the 2 day class. People really have no idea how much of a process it is and of how much importance it is. I came into this job thinking I would inspect cars and pass or fail them no problem, it is MUCH more than that.
My tech told me that he had a friend in Dallas county who was inspecting a work vehicle on the Dyno and entering his friends car information since the info has to pass through Austin Texas before it can be completed. Well he would inspect the truck and then put in the cars information and put the sticker on the car. Well a state trooper and some people with the Texas DPS were in a van in the parking lot video taping him doing this. Needless to say hes in jail right now and this was last year I believe.
Its amazing how much trouble you can get in. For example, if I decide to not test a gas cap on a vehicle, or put the test cap on so it will pass and a person of authority sees me doing this, I can get up to a 1,000$ fine for a first offense. Other offenses vary from 150$-10 years in jail. If I leave the inspection stickers out of the drawer or unlocked while im not doing an inspection, 150-500$ fine.
One funny law is if say a Jeep comes in with no front windshield BUT it DOES have windshield wipers, i have to finish the test and fail the vehicle because "the windshield wipers do not make direct contact with the windshield" ;D. They are aloud to take them off on the spot and I can then pass the vehicle.