All i can say is dont live above your means. My wife and I have started a new thing to help us do better with our money. Might sound weird to alot of people but it has helped us tremendously. For example: say i want to take a trip to BPS and get some tackle and plan on spending from 50-60 bucks. If i do not have double that amount, I will not go. If i do have that, i will match what i spent and put it in savings. Obviously this doesnt apply to necesseties. If i cannot double the amount that means we are a little low on cash for that week/month and therefore i will not cut us short for something that is not a must have. Again this for things to support our hobbies or just things we want but do not necessarily need. Our cash flow is different each month, sometimes by 700$ and sometimes by 12$. We both have set schedules but work extra hours depending on the work load for the week at our jobs. Im not sure how it is with you and yours.
We planned a vacation about 8 months ago and will leave for it next thursday. We are going to South Padre with some family and getting a condo on the beach for a week. We made a budget and agreed if we could not double it to put in savings then we had no business going. we matched it in savings and all is well.
I would suggest that you talk to your wife and try and get on the same page. If yall just got out of debt, got a new vehicle and already have a planned vacation it sounds like yall are money comfortable. Why risk that comfort? Just my opinion brutha. Good luck!