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Everything posted by Jim_H

  1. If you used insect repellant with Deet, that is the result, found that out the hard way!!
  2. The new powerdrive V2 deploys very easily. You just push down on the lever and it pops out of the cradle. The best tip I can give you is to spray the shaft occasionally with Armor All and wipe it down. This helps, especially on the old powerdrives.
  3. I realize the economy is pretty bad, but it is still cheaper to wash your truck with your garden hose
  4. It is a large ramp, but it was being winched up a little bit left of the ramp. It was a Ford Explorer. That ramp is extremely steep. It is at Mississinewa Reservoir in Indiana, which is a flood control reservoir. It either went in truck first or possibly floated around. I couldn't believe that trailer held up without bending anything when pulling it out. The cable was just hooked on the trailer frame.
  5. I arrived at a local reservoir to find several conservation officers and county cops at the bottom of the ramp. There was a nice triton bass boat docked up on the rocks next to the ramp. In picture 1 you can barely see the top of this poor guys truck. The rest of the pictures are as a wrecker is winching it up the ramp. How he got it in truck first I don't know. www.photobucket.com/mississinewaramp
  6. Try this link, not sure if it will help you, but worth a look http://www.northlandmarine.com/MinnkotaBowMount.html
  7. Try going soft. A Zoom super fluke Texas rigged weightless on a 4/0 EWG hook will outfish any hard suspending jerk bait in my opinion.
  8. gotta be the hat......GO CUBBIES
  9. everyone rips on powerdrives but I have had great luck with them. I used an original powerdrive 40 on my Jon boat for 5 years with absolutely no problems. Only complaint was that it was a little difficult to deploy. I bought a powerdrive V2 and that problem is fixed with this model. For a lot of boats the long cord on the powerdrive is the best option
  10. I was a little scared to try this but once I did it was not too difficult. Take the top of the head off, unhook the wires. Take the head off. measure how much you want to cut off. Find a metal pipe that just fits inside the shaft and slide the wires through it to protect them. Cut the shaft, shorten the wires, drill the hole in the shaft for the head and reconnect everything. It was really not too bad. I would make sure though that your warranty has expired because this would probably void it unless you had a minn kota service man do the job.
  11. If it is very clear water, and you can do so, fish it at night using a jig and pig or tube bait, fished near the walls, especially any that have trees growing up. Black spinnerbaits also work well at night in these clear water pits
  12. At the beginning of each season I take my PD foot pedal apart and give it good cleaning, pretty easy to take apart. Just unhook the 3 springs and remove screws to access the contacts. I bought the co-pilot attachment for the powerdrive and now I rarely, if ever use the foot pedal. I wear the small remote on a lanyard around my neck and have total control from anywhere in the boat. The co-pilot is very easy to install and works great
  13. I also had it narrowed down to the same two sonars. After reading hundreds of reviews on both units I ordered the X96 yesterday. I did not find any negative reviews on this unit
  14. I know I'm in the minority on Minn Kota powerdrive opinion, but I have a PD40 with the copilot attachment and absolutely love it, no pedal in the way
  15. No other fishing site even compares to this site as far as speed and and content. Any person into bass fishing can benefit greatly by reading the posts from the many talented fishermen who post here. I have spent a lot of hours over the winter reading on this site, too many according to my wife. Keep up the great work.
  16. I resemble that remark
  17. 1. World's greatest fishing show.....you have to respect Zona for having the testicular fortitude to fish in Green Bay with a Bears shirt on. 2. Bass Pros 3. Bass Tech 4. Jimmy Houston's crappie fishing shows Worst 1. Roland Martin 2. Bill Dance, you rarely see him actually make a cast, then catch a fish, always a convenient change in camera angle
  18. I was fishing in Indiana and hooked something that felt like a small log, reeled it up and it was a FULL stringer of bluegill that evidently got away from someone's boat, about 30 fish on it. Good way to start a day of bluegill fishing ;D
  19. I have a 40 power drive and love it. I have used both cable steer and electric steer. The power drive with the co-pilot attachment is the ultimate. I wear the small remote on a lanyard around my neck and no foot pedal is needed. The remote gives you total control from anywhere in the boat with no cables or pedals in your way.
  20. You definitely don't need 6 gauge if the batteries are at the same end of the boat as the motors. 6 gauge is recommended for a long run from the back of the boat to the front.
  21. Yes you can turn it around, and I definitely would if I were you because with the prop leading the way it's just a matter of time before you hit a stump or other object and break the prop.
  22. Can anyone explain how to adjust the brake pins on the Pflueger Purist reel?
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