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Everything posted by Big-O

  1. Here's another photo from that day... I did try to weigh the biggest one but she bottomed out the scales. I've caught the mid 40's in Fla. and the biggest of these was definitely more JUMBO didn't know the record Tx weight was 38 or so until Jeff told me over the phone later. Besides that, the fish would've died on a trip in to verify... Not necessary to kill a Clydesdale just because she's overweight... She still has a lot of PULL in her if she stays alive Hope to see a few of you at the Roadtrip and hope my wine sharing buddies are there too,
  2. Hope this helps, just scroll down to Shellcracker illustrations http://www.ragetail.com/news/rigging-info/rigging-diagrams/
  3. Took a break form the Bass to ck on my hard pulling Sweethearts on the Texas coast... Bull Reds, and I think they were glad to see me Full Moon, strong tides and fast water made finding them difficult but in the High and low Slack time we were able to catch several on the RAGE Crab in the Blue Crab color. When the current/tide was rising or falling hard, I used a real Blue crab in the 5 to 6" size to cover more water. All were released immediately after photo. BTW, our friend 00Mod (Jeff) was on the phone when one of'em tried to jerk the rod from my hands
  4. Yep, that's a FATTY, Wtg!
  5. Very nice and Congrats on your new PB!
  6. Thanks for the comments and YES we are always making any and all improvements possible to increase action results from both the Bait and the Bass There's extensive Testing on all designs prior to placing them on the market... perfect example is this years new design, RAGE Bug. It's been in our Pro's hands for mths now and I fished it for a couple of years prior. It's RIGHT now so marketing will start this Summer. I'll have samples at the Roadtrip this year for those of you who make it. Hope y'all like it, cause the bass sure do
  7. Now THAT'S a Good time for sure... Congrats to all of you who made the trip and great Fishing!
  8. And don't EVER Rage Rig a Space Monkey or Smokin Rooster either... in any depth of water... especially if you have a weak heart or shoulders
  9. Good Stuff A-Jay... The Rooster on a weighted 1/4 or 3/8 5 to 6/0 hook makes'em SQUIRM too
  10. Ba-Da-BOOM new PB is AWESOME, WTG!
  11. Ex-Ce-Lante video and info you two
  12. WTG and Great photo too!
  13. Beastie Blimps
  14. WTG! Gibbons is a GREAT fishery and Thanks for the report!
  15. Nope Xyndifor, didn't get her weight... she would've slapped me AK-Jax, I'd love to fish Va sometime... got a lot more friends their too Thanks to the rest of you as well, Ckd out O.H. Ivey a day this week and only the smaller models wanted to play... Water is 46ft low there and mainly used the time to mark waypoints of low water reveals... I call it doing HOMEWORK
  16. So I gave her one She was more shallow than I normally fish, 6ft or so, and after the bite and hookset, she came straight to the surface on a Tear! We did the 'Under the Boat DANCE' for a WHILE before she finally lost a little steam and I eased her up to the side where I could land her. Since the bait (RAGE Bug) was firmly planted in her top lip with a 6/0 hook, I decided it best to reach under her belly and gently lift her in. As soon as I brought her up to me, she relaxed and gave me a Big O Hug and a fresh slime coat That's OK because she deserved pay a little payback at me back for the tussle. We said our fond farewells and back to her lair she swam... I have to say, she was a GREAT DANCER
  17. Sorry I've been away folks but it's not because I was fishing ALL the time, I was running and doing my chores After the Classic, I headed to Florida and fished with a good friend Ray Van Horn to test one of my new baits on the inshore fish... It was a blast as we caught Reds Snook, Trout and Bass on it over a three day period. Soon as I returned, Shane J flew in from New Hampshire to catch me on the water... Good thing he did too cause I needed help getting in the boat... Getting too old for this We had some extreme weather with cold and wind, and it was so bad that I speared a wave in my 21ft Skeeter I-Class. Shane took it right on the chin and smiled with the boat FULL of water It broke the trolling motor mount and a rod strap, plus it drowned my I Phone... He said that was his FIRST and I said "How'd you like it We never got completely dry or warm but we were able to find a few Studdettes and the one he caught here trashed a Smokin Rooster in 8ft water on a brushy timberline. Between scheduled events, I rarely get to plan my fun fishing anymore so I'll take it when I can, LOL. Hope some of you Northern friends are seeing signs of a Spring thaw and hope to see some of you at the Roadtrip! Now I'm going FUN Fishing again... WOOO-HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
  18. Congrats to you both! Her for catching that Fine Bass and you for choosing a gal that Loves fishing I say between 4 and 5lbs too!
  19. That's a NICE one Wtg!
  20. Off topic Yes I am and Yes I do... But even if I weren't, I'd share a few of my fishing experiences here with my many friends, and/or try to assist them with any knowledge or experience that I may have. If I didn't, they might think that I had DIED or something I can see in your original post how others might see it as possibly arguable, but I also agree that if we think that a topic or comment is questionable, we should be tactful in our response. It's important for us all to realize, that there are many young people and inexperienced anglers here at BassResource. They accept the information that those of us who appear to know what we're talking about... as FACT, so we have to be careful of our statements or comments to avoid confusion... Me included On Topic All skilled, seasoned and well experienced anglers on any given body of water should know that changing weather, water, seasonal or bait pattern conditions will alter the bite. Any angler who hasn't experienced that fact, would be considered inexperienced. We should always rely on our memories and experiences of each of these in order to be more successful anglers. I do agree that during each outing, we should make new memories... so that we can remember what was successful during that outing and during those times and conditions. If a Guide forgot everything he knew about the waters he fishes and also which baits and styles of presentations that work best for him, he wouldn't stay in business very long... If a Tournament Pro forgot the areas of any lake they've fished and which bait presentations worked best at the different times of year that they've fished it, they won't be very successful on the circuit... If a person knew well at one time and then forgot, all of the seasonal bait and bass patterns on a certain lake, and all of the major structure changes including offshore ledges, humps, river bends, submerged timber and tree tops, shell beds, underwater rock and gravel locations, Grass beds etc. and which baits and colors worked best in any and all of those different areas and situations, they're back to square one. Since I fish year around on many different bodies of water and only target one particular size of fish, it's important for me to remember any and all of my past experiences and knowledge of not only my target fish but also changing presentation styles and locations depending on the overall conditions. So I feel that remembering everything I can pays big dividends. Another Example - Recently KVD handed the Major League Fishing competitors the biggest butt kickin in history at the Michigan event and in a variety of weather and water conditions... I doubt that he did it by forgetting all that he knew about his home waters. And just this weekend on the St Johns river, Chris Lane is handing out a royal flogging to the rest of the Elite series. I bet all of the other competitors are wishing that Chris Forgot all he knows about his Home waters too. Maybe if you just said, we should never expect each fishing experience to remain the same if the weather, water, seasons and bait patterns have changed... it would have been less questionable. And maybe this topic was good to illustrate how important it is to understand that changing factors in conditions will make us usually change our tactics for success
  21. The Cut'R worm and the Db Craw got a lot of Attention... But I showed around my latest design that's coming out here pretty quick and those that saw it said "It's About TIME" I'll find out if we can discuss and show it prior to ICAST
  22. Yep those are some Good one's, wtg!
  23. That's a GOOD idea Darren... Then it wouldn't be as obvious that the years haven't been as good to me as the Bass have
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