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Everything posted by Big-O

  1. Drake, I've never heard of that problem up to this point, but have heard of shore fishermen touching a limb or grass on the backswing of their cast causing a claw to tear off. TorqueConverter, The Chunk is actually made from an even firmer plastic than the Craw to hold up onto the hook of the jig better as well as for punching grass etc. Claws flying off on a cast have not been a problem to date. Now fish chewing them off is another story
  2. Big-O

    Rage Rig???

    If anyone is actually interested, where and how the Rage Rig came about... this may be an interesting read. http://www.ragetail.com/news/rigging-info/the-rage-rig/
  3. Big-O

    Rage Rig???

    Exactly! The Eeliminator was designed to be a C Rig bait and/or topwater. You can now order the Eeliminator directly from RageTail. For now just email info@ragetail.com and list your color choice and number of packages required. Our office will contact you back for shipping inst etc
  4. Big-O

    Rage Rig???

    It's OK to RAGE RIG the Eeliminator if an increased fall rate is needed to for the bite. The Eeliminator side to side body and head movement is better with it rigged weightless.
  5. Terrific and stay on'em
  6. Nice one CYP and Congrats!
  7. You may want to review these rigging illustrations. I only use it 3 basic ways. On a 4 to 5/0 flipping hook flat with the weight pegged for flipping. Also as a swim bait on the 6/0 Moaner hook and trimmed lower fins for clearance of the hook and weight on the belly of the bait. And as a jig trailer both flat and upright for the different profiles They're soft so that the fish will maul it in their mouth and bait will roll up easily on the hook set. Hope that helps! http://www.ragetail.com/news/rigging-info/rigging-diagrams/
  8. The Rage Blade isn't designed to do exactly what a Chatterbait or Pure Poison style bait does. It's design specific for when the fish need heavy vibration action at slower swim or retrieve rate and with a few less snags and more weed proof than the others. There are situations where this is what fish are looking for and it's a similar pattern where swimbaits are productive as well. The photos are from a recent trip where I needed it to get the bites I wanted. It was 10 to 12ft water and the fish were on the bottom in scattered brush. Also used it at the Roadtrip and fished it a lot in the Wilson Lake tail race. It turned out to be my go-to there
  9. Thanks Everyone! TODAY, from what I understand... Siebert Outdoors received the FIRST shipment of RAGE Bugs that were sent to an individual retailer! Now that's BassResource SERVICE
  10. And this link tells about it's origin.... Hope tis helps http://www.ragetail.com/news/06/the-rage-rig/
  11. It's 4"... Someone miss labled That company should have it corrected momentarily
  12. Nice post Mark, wtg!
  13. Sa-Weet! Beautiful Fish
  14. It's a Big Ole Bug Eyed PIG Wtg on your new PB Speed!
  15. WTG Stork, NICE one for sure! I use as large as a 5/0 and more often 4/0 when throwing them and which ever size weight is needed according to the water depth and wind speeds. Glad you like'em
  16. This would be my choice, a RAGE Rigged high action soft plastic. It is basically hang up free and since your fishing from shore in mostly shallow conditions, it provides action both on the fall and with minimum movement of the rod tip. Keep it slow like fishing a T rig with slow lift and fall allowing the bait to settle to the bottom each time. If the fish want it faster, they'll tell you when you're reeling it in to make another cast to your targets. Best and most complete search tool I know of when fishing is slow and fish are shallow. Hope this helps
  17. You can place an order for them by emailing info@ragetail.com Just note the colors and number of packages you need of each and our office will contact you for shipping info etc.
  18. There are 7 per package... and YES in a Cute Cuddly Clam
  19. The first 10 colors shipped will be: Blue craw Watermelon red/black Black n Blue Black Neon Green Pumpkin Pearl White PB and J Bama Craw Summer Craw California Craw
  20. I tweak the feet and Flip or C rig it too... It's just a Big piece of Bass Candy in those situations
  21. Hope you like it... Testing it for quite some time has been a BLAST 10 colors to be shipped to shelves this month and hopefully Siebert Outdoors will have them soon as well!
  22. The Rage Blade is not a bottom burner bait, instead it's a 'Max Action at Slower Retrieve Speed' bait that comes through the sticks a little better than other Chatter style designs. Also good in and over grass. Also it folds up on the fall allowing it to touch down quicker than other 1/2oz designs and walks the bottom at slower pace with great vibration and slight side to side jumps or hunting action. Again it's NOT a Bottom Burner Bait as there are already many of those in existence.... and why copy them when we can make a design specific bait for a very necessary and specific use
  23. All lines will emit sound or vibration underwater especially when taught and moving fast, or when still and taught in heavy current. The amount of sound and/or vibration from you or your equipment above or below the waters surface in each circumstance depends largely on the type of line used. Coarse braids will sound or vibrate more so than Mono or Fluoro of the same dia. Smaller dia's emit a higher pitch than Larger dia's of the same type. How taught the line is and the amount of stretch in the line is also a big factor in transmitting the sound. I never worry a lot about fluoro and mono when in use unless flipping and pitching short distances, but Braid is another story. I use the smoothest braids I can find, Suffix original or Samurai, to reduce noise effect and especially in heavy grass, brush and wood. The sawing noise and vibrations are a REAL deterrent with heavily pressured fish. The quieter the surroundings and waters surface, especially when shallow, the more stealthy we should be. When flipping and pitching with heavier weights etc. I try to be careful not to set the reel on a taught line or during a vertical fall. When windy and deep, and/or in muddy or night conditions, if the bait, jig etc has touched down without a bite and after a brief pause, I'll tighten the line and lightly click my reel in and out of gear to create a bottom sound or disturbance to possibly draw a fish from afar. Just use your common sense and realize that anything that may alert the quarry of OUR presence is not necessarily a good thing
  24. WTG rippin-lips! There's something about a pot belly Bass that makes me smile Maybe it's because it resembles mine, lol
  25. Get'em ETB! The Baby Thumper trimmed like you mentioned was the first idea for the Cut'R worm Glad you're having fun with them,,, and like that boat too
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