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Everything posted by Big-O

  1. This is ONLY two of the new colors we came out with this year and I will post the others as the photo's become available! The first is Peanut Butter n Jelly and the other is one of my all time favorites and "FINALLY" Green Pumpkin Purple/Gold/Black Hope you like'em!
  2. Great story and photos!!! Memorable trip for all of you... WTG
  3. WTG! You guys had a GREAT Day for sure and fished with a terrific fella too Great Photo's!
  4. LOL, Of course I do and I enjoy catching THEM too But I always tell them "I promise to photo you again BUT not until you grow up" Here's a HAWG DAWG from early this year
  5. Me TOO Thanks SunFish, you gave me the guts to admit it... It's confession time I have been known to take a beer or two onboard and recently started taking frozen Powerade with a small bottle of Vodka for special occasion "Toasting". We can just save those kind of TOAST for the DOCK from now on! I feel much better NOW
  6. Jump right up from the nightmare I just had, drink a little coffee ... and GO FISHING Seriously, take it a learning experience and re-think your decisions from that day being determined that if the same ever starts to be happen again... you'll slow down to a snails pace and fish only high stakes areas like points with bottom change/structure and/or drops etc. using smaller than normal line and baits covering every inch of the bottom. If I have an inexperienced person fishing with me and just want them to get bit to see what it feels like to catch fish, the above method is my favorite for just that. Favorite presentation for that is a C rig or Rage Rig a Craw or a small profile Worm. Hope that helps!
  7. GREAT PHOTOS of your beautiful BOY!!! While you're overseas, remember we're only a keyboard away And Thanks for your SERVICE!
  8. FUN Photos of your children and GREAT that you take them with you! Also WTG on the NICE Bass!!!
  9. Big O Thunk and at ICAST, KVD discussed the same with several folks including the kind of waters he targeted with it... Would say "Brilliant Minds think Alike" but moreover "Fishin Freaks Figure it Out"
  10. Thanks for the Thanks! Just a hint on the Twintail Menace, you can see there's a variety of ways to rig and fish it including jig trailer but be sure and ck it out Rage Rigged on a 4/0 1/4 oz weighted hook like the Moaner stroker. You can rig it with tails horizontal/flat to waters surface typical to a craw presentation... but try it with tails vertical and watch the CRAZY Wobble action of the body and tails flipping on the fall! With this set-up, I'll flip brush and grass for suspended fish or swim and pause/fall on the edges or open water Hope y'all have fun and a Big O THANKS to Glenn and Keri for sending them out to everyone
  11. "Not To Shabby" is quite the UNDERSTATEMENT Congratulations and AWESOME results for you two!!!
  12. I WISH that was the case Mitch but EVEN here in Texas, the "Wide Bodies" often require a lot of searching and Coaxing for better than avg results! NOW, I'm certain that kind of place exist somewhere in Heaven and if so, you can bet I'll be there with my RT's
  13. Now Tom... this kind of response is just hurting my feelings because knowing that, and in such detail, will have me looking for county line signs while I'm out there on the water Or even worse, might cause me to leave the water early because my throat gets too dry Actually, I agree here as well! The boat driver or Capt. should never drink and drive So now you two have to figure out a way to include this info as well... WARNING: May require another Adult Beverage!
  14. I agree with Rhino, who just happens to be the BEST dressed Fisherman that ever graced our waters... and Long Mike too (who tries to dress as well as Rhino)... and I bet boat handling and regulations can be worded into Rhino's top TWO... But it would be a mouthful So maybe Rhino and Long Mike should re-write those "top two" over an ADULT Beverage... Or TWO Seriously, when you've been around the game as long as old codgers like the two mentioned above (Not Me, I'm not as old as they are ) these things become second nature but should always be considered the basic priorities for a quality fishing experience. Making it a priority to fish safe, respect others, respect the resource,and abide by the rules is a great way to start every fishing adventure.
  15. Welcome BACK and you're on some of the Finest water in the country IMO... Good Luck and Fish SAFE!
  16. No problem and Thanks for asking! I mainly fish alone or with close friends anymore and haven't guided in years... Guiding is a tough JOB and FAR too much work for me At my age, I'd rather concentrate on just having FUN Matt, the gentleman in the photo owns Moaner Hooks and is a very close friend. He's also a VERY GOOD Fisherman with similar interest as mine for targeting larger model fish, and doesn't mind the often slow and tedious processes required to search out the MaMa's.
  17. Snuck AWAY, but just for a little while And ran into this LOVELY who wanted to discuss the beautiful WEATHER we had that Day... NOT Actually she was just hungry for some GRUB so I offered her a Moaner Predator jig and Rage Lobster and she CHOWED it like she hadn't eatin' in a week Although it doesn't appear that she's missed many meals lately I am blessed to be able to FISH and appreciate every second that I am given on the water I often think of all of the friends here and wish that we could all be on the water at once similar to our BR Roadtrip Thanks for your friendship and support!
  18. Great report and photos! Glad your nephew got to go with you again as well... Nice color mix on your jig
  19. Terrific report and congrats to both of you for awesome day of fishing together!
  20. Nice photos and fish!!! Makes me wanna go NORTH and enjoy your climate as well as make an attempt at your SMORGASBOARD of sport fish WTG!
  21. To feel the fish loading or online first is SMART. To set he hook immediately thereafter is SMART as well. To keep the rod loaded completely with heavy pressure on the fish during the battle is also SMART, because many times the hook point actually penetrates the fishes mouth during the battle. Maintaining good line pressure only keeps the point of the hook in position to improve your chances of landing the fish. Do I slam hooksets with all jigs and/or Soft plastics... ABSOLUTELY!!! Where I fish and how I fish demands it. Here's my normal style of hook sets along with keeping max pressure on fish until I have them out of the trash, and coming my direction in open water. I posted this video footage once before but it helps with my description here.
  22. Terrific Story and one that you guys will be telling your GRANDCHILDREN someday WTG all of you!!!
  23. Nice Ones and WTG... Like that jig color too
  24. AWESOME Photos and this thread as well as your avatar says a lot about you... You're a TERRIFIC DAD and a great example for all of us at BR!
  25. Some Fine Fish and WTG!
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