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Everything posted by Big-O

  1. I too, am an advocate of the Space Monkey... and not because it's RT, but because IMO it's the most versatile soft plastic bait made. It can be fished with good success weighted, weightless, on top, on bottom, as a swim bait, pitched/flipped, T rig/C rig/Rage Rig, and as a jig trailer. It's action is unmatched by any other product and every single one is perfect right out of the hard Clamshell it's packaged in... Can you tell I like it and If you get a chance to try it, I hope you do as well
  2. AWESOME Fish and story Goose52 Bet she's fine and hope you get a chance to visit her again early next Spring... will be a Nice Reunion
  3. Thanks Everyone and I hope all of you enjoy them! The packages that you received were the very first of our production products and not samples, so the texture as well as durability should be GREAT. Pls let me know how they're working for you, your favorite methods of fishing them etc. Thanks Again!
  4. GOD I hope it's raining down there!!! All I've heard over the last few months is how dry S Texas and Northern Mexico is! Heard that the lakes are 40 plus ft low and so are our North Central Tx waters... Good to hear your still around though... was wondering where you've been
  5. Now that's a great fishing trip for sure!!! WTG
  6. WOW what a GREAT Fish and Beautiful Smile! Please tell her how proud all of us are for getting that HUGE Fish in the BOAT!!!
  7. It's a BIG Fish and You Caught IT, and took a FINE photo for the memory... That's all that matters at this point, WTG
  8. They cut the top of the Clamshell off for the photo To me, they look scrumptious To a Big Ole Bass they say... EAT THIS WHY DONT'CHA This is our NEW Shellcracker in the Green Pumpkin Purple/Gold color. My favorite way to fish it is with a 1/4oz or more pegged weight, rigged flat with a 4/0 flippin' hook like the Moaner Stick'r Hook or 4/0 EWG. For a faster fall when flipping, you can rig your flippin hook thru the deep belly slot and skin hook in the small hook slot behind the dorsal fin on the back. For a swimbait style presentation, you can rig it on a weighted hook like a 5/0 1/4 to 3/8oz Moaner weighted Stroker thru the belly slot! HOPE you like it
  9. Bout time that I noticed you were back on the board... Nice to see you're still playing in the water LBH. Also that's a fine turtle for sure and you know full well that the battle was more fun than many fish we catch
  10. LOL, Eyes up The series of ridges on the back are for hiding the hook point (Skin Hooking) but just as Ghoti said that rooster can SOAR upside down too... He's coordinated like that you see
  11. Great as usual... his style and methods of boiling it down and constantly finding the gift that needs to be shared with everyone else! Great... Thanks Glenn and db
  12. Sounds like that OLE fella knows a little bit about that stuff Ohhh sorry Ghoti, did I just kind of insinuate that you might be of the slightly more mature generation Well I guess you do have to be a little more "AGED" to understand all of that detailed info that is provided in your article Oh and BTW, did Mrs. Ghoti help you type that out... We all know that your Big ole fingers would just mess up the keys, if you know what I mean GREAT article for sure and your attn to detail is excellent. I know that it will be referred to often and by MANY
  13. I'm sure that the proto plastic from back then was not the same as what we final decision for production... All RageTails are sampled in several different plastic recipes to find which is going to work the very best and even then we may tweak it later if necessary. Glad you're having a great time with them
  14. Hooligan, the Lobster IS produced now in the GP/purple/gold/black! And Primus, you might try the Hard Candy color (1st photo below)... it has purple in it and so does Watermelon Meat (2nd photo)
  15. X2 and IMO You can't buy a better jig than this no matter what the price because they're the best jigs on the market! Both the Brush and Footballs in this model were designed to the highest of standards and no other Company can compete with them at this time. The design, Paint durability, Brush guard and the Exact Hook used are nothing less than the absolute best, so the value you get with them is HUGE! The strength of the hook coupled with the wire diameter and AWESOME point make them perfect for either small or large fish and for use with braid or fluoro. I only buy jigs from ONE other jig maker and it's for a specific need and method of fishing. Did I assist in every facet of this design on these jigs along with Mike and Paul... YES! Do I receive any monetary gain from them... NO! Do I purchase my jigs from Mike just like you do... YES! And would I have it any other way... NO! In Fact, he has an order headed my way as we speak and I won't go fishing without'em
  16. I have gotten in Trouble too many times from fishing and still do to this day, like terrible weather, or getting stuck or lost while trying to get to the lake, boat ramp problems, boat problems while on the water, Broken rods, trolling batteries run down, there are so many to mention BUT running out of baits when the BITE is HOTT is the worst trouble I've EVER gotten into and I'll never do that again LOL, fine topic IMO, a fisherman has a NEED to fish and a family that understands that NEED is a demonstration of True Love. NOW throw that at'em and see if it STICKS... But don't blame me if it doesn't, I don't want to be IN TROUBLE
  17. I believe that it's only RIGHT that a person should take the time to enjoy SOME OF THIS THING THAT WE CALL LIFE... THAT'S FISHING
  18. I use a 1/4oz 4 to 5/0 Moaner Weighted stroker hook. For Rage Rigging in depths to 10ft or so, I'll use 3/8.
  19. In case we don't know it... Here at BR, we have a tremendous wealth of knowledge and experience in so many facets of the fishing industry and there are many manufacturers that scour these topics, not only for what they can copy or knockoff of someone else's popular product but also to find the next BIG thing or idea!!! Too many times, one of our members may feel that his or hers thoughts on something is insignificant, but I believe that this terrific Forum is the perfect breeding ground for innovation and we should see it as EXACTLY THAT OH... Sorry Clayton for getting a little off topic
  20. For the majority of EWG's, the point is basically in line with the hooks eye... making the point follow the eye position during the hook set which has it's drawbacks for some presentations. These hooks are popular for skin hooking baits and keeping them straight while on the hook. The extra wide gap also allows more room for the thicker style baits to roll up into the belly of the hook and still provide ample room for the hook point to find meat during the hook set. The facts are, that straight shank hooks provide better hook up %'s and offset hooks are a closer profile to a straight shank hook than EWG's. My preference changes depending on which bait presentation I choose but I like the standard offset hooks for many situations. With all EWG's, I tweak them to improve the Hook up %'s and yet still keep maximum strength in the wire. I am waiting on a better hook... IMO, all that is needed to complete the needs for today's hook offerings are: 1) a stronger and deeper throat off set hook in all sizes... 2) a longer, stronger and deeper throat offset hook design for the larger profile worms and flipping baits. I'm familiar with all of the most popular manufacturers and IMO they haven't got there as of yet! I have requested these designs from several of them and waiting on someone to Git r Dun They will in time... they have too... because I'm pretty sure that I am RIGHT on this thought... Maybe I should start designing hooks too
  21. You bet bassh8er... And happy to hear that you're smackin' the fish around with the Menace! Hope you enjoy the color selection as well
  22. Thanks for your question and I'll answer it as completely as possible... It is a shallow hook slot so that standard J hooks or round bend hooks that are very prevalent in the fishing industry, can be used more effectively. This shallow slot allows a bit more throat gap for more clearance when the bait rolls into the hook shank during the hook set and ensuing battle. It also gives you a guide for keeping the craw straight during the rigging or placing the bait on the hook. The action of the Rage Craw is so agressive, that hooking it off center can cause the bait to twirl or cork screw during a fast retrieve. Of course you can choose to use a wider gap hook like EWG's etc. for even more clearance. So the hook would normally be placed on the slotted side of the Craw. This isn't as important with larger or wider gap hooks! Hope that helps...
  23. Sorry and that surprises me too, because I can regularly punch with the Menace through thick grass and cover and land as many as 4 or 5 fish before it's torn too bad, then I use it as a jig trailer. Rarely if ever lose the tails on it unless I bring a hot fish to the surface immediately where they can sling the bait when they thrash beside or in the boat. Were the baits new ones or protos from someone else? Several people from two roadtrips ago got them to ck out. And what color... I'm interested because it's the first time I've heard this and all of our SK Pros have been fishing them for a long time and like their durability... Thanks for your comment and you can pm me if you like!
  24. You can order them online at bps and twh and I believe they have them in the BPS stores already... May have to call and ck in your area!
  25. For a medium length punch bait, I use a pegged 1 to 1.25oz tungsten and the Rage Menace... Also since the first design of SK's "Slither Rig" (skirted Tungsten weight) I've been using the Menace with it as well. The bait is a narrower body with narrow swimming hyper action tails that will punch the thicker stuff easier, yet provide a great look and action on the fall. The body of the Menace is thick and long enough for a big hook and can be pinched down to shorten if needed. Also the tail material is slightly thicker as well to make the tails harder to rip during the punch. Even with the thicker tail material, there is still a fast action with a pegged 1/4oz, so the heavier punch weights make it really BUZZ! Right out of the box, we launched with 17 great colors because the Manace is a very versatile design. It will provide many choices and if you get a chance to try it, let me know how you like it
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