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Everything posted by Big-O

  1. You guys are givin'em the business...WTG!
  2. Here you go, this works on them all... And screwlocks as well as weighted hooks work too, but maintaining the keeled shape of the Toad is most important to make it surface easily and stay on it's belly 100% of the time...
  3. This is a Rage Shrimp trimmed to produce a more finesse and petite profile!
  4. For a fact, keeping your plastics in original packaging is by far the best in order to keep them just like new and give the maximum in longevity. The bags we use are specifically designed for soft plastic fishing products and MUST provide maximum protection in all facets of use in the industry. With these, there is little if any chemical transfer. Important to know, the highest priced zip lock bag is minimal protection at best and chemical transfer is a fact. My advice is 1 gallon zip locks to hold your variety soft plastic packages... at least that's my style
  5. LOL, Just keep taking him regardless of the simple challenges that arise after all they become fun and fond memories for you both GREAT PHOTO'S Too!
  6. Trimming jig skirts are sometime necessary for a variety of reasons. Adjust the bulk or profile as needed by thinning or reducing skirt length to create a more compact presentation or to increase fall rates. Also trimming the skirt length to make the jig trailer more obvious or provide more water flow for the possibility of more action. The shortest that I would ever trim a skirt is 1/4" longer than the hook bend and that is for COMPACT presentations. I often leave the jig skirts as is, because I'd rather adjust my trailer choices, lengths etc to achieve the profile desired and maintain great action.
  7. YEP!!! That's a GOOD fish and whether you were intense and On Point, or relaxed and kickin' back... you got the job done and that's what counts, WTG
  8. When I have a Go Pro mounted on the windshield, I don't need assistance but FOR SURE, I'd rather have a fishing partner and NOT just for taking pictures For those who asked about weight, I didn't weigh and rarely do, especially in the Summer months, unless it's for someone else or I think that the fish is a Special situation. Plus, you know how some gals are finicky about stepping on the scales
  9. Those are some fine fish and it looks like you have them figured out really well!
  10. Friends, I'm sorry that these new colors are hard to keep in stock everywhere! If I had my way and could get a pile of them... I'd send them out to all of you!
  11. At 3:30 and 8:25 on the SK video there are images of the 4" Rage Grub on jigs. The first at 3:30 is a swim jig with the grub mounted tail turned down or opposite the hook point direction which causes the tail to lift up and swim directly centered behind the jig. The RT flange improves the grub tail action substantially even though the jig and skirt is blocking much of the water flow. This direction also slows the fall rate of a jig on a slack line (as Matstone mentioned above) In the first part of the 8:25 footage, the grub is mounted on a naked ball jig with the tail of the grub pointed upward same as hook point. Notice that the tail rides or swims lower being basically parallel with the hook shank which would be level with the bottom of the jig. As you can see, the choice is yours to determine which direction to mount a single tail grub on your jig but I advise rigging as noted in the video unless the fish tell you they want it different. The main points to remember are, the tail pointed down pushes the nose of the jig downward, causes tail to swim basically centered behind the jig, and will change the fall rate depending on the type or style of jig you choose. The tail turned upward provides lift to the nose of the jig, cause the tail to swim more even with the bottom of the jig and will change the fall rate accordingly... but this all depends on the amount of action and water resistance that your grub choice is able to deliver relative to your jig weight. Hope this helps and is somewhat understandable!
  12. Congrats on your great day and new PB... And I bet pappajoe has several more tricks up his sleeve too
  13. Yep, that's a pile off nice fish and looks like you guys hit'em RIGHT! Dan WAS smiling on the first one... but maybe on the rest of'em, he was just more intent on fishing instead of taking photos You know, Get'em While Their HOT WTG you two!
  14. Yes I would quit fishing if I had West Nile Virus and on my Death Bed... But I bet my Death Bed would be on the deck of my Boat in the middle of a lake somewhere
  15. You're plan sounds fine to me... Rods and rigs are good as well. If you water is starting to cool, the shallow bite should be getting in high gear. Top and moving baits early and into mid morning with those conditions. Don't be afraid to head back into the back of coves and creeks as long as there is a good channel or drop nearby. Switch to slower presentations as the day progresses or the sun gets higher... Good luck and Safe Fishing
  16. I'll just throw this out there and see if it sticks with some of you A light weight swim jig can be fished on the surface as a top water or even as a wake bait, using a high action trailer that has a lot of water resistance like a Lobster. You can fish them as slow or as fast as the fish tell you they want. A jig can be swam to mimic any variety of prey depending on your choice of colors, trailers, lengths etc. It can be casted, flipped, pitched, punched in any variety of water conditions and depths. You can fish them as slow or as fast and with any style of retrieve successfully. All that is needed is a variety of sizes and styles of jigs and trailers to give you the GAME. You can probably tell I like jigs too
  17. I like the colors on your baits too... Different bright colors are sometime the ticket for the bites
  18. AWESOME and WTG that's a BEAST!
  19. Nice WTG! And you're right, better that being in the office anyday of the week!
  20. I had to do it... found a slower than average day, so I left early and rushed to Amistad to see if anybody might be hungry Several smaller fish were eager to play at the first spot so I moved to the next deeper drop to see if there might be a lazy Gal in her recliner... SHE WAS She ate a 1oz Moaner Predator jig and Lobster and stayed deep for a good while. The water was gin clear and as she got a bit closer I could see her mouth wide open doing her best to throw the jig even while she was 10 ft below the surface. I could see that the jig was firmly in the top of her mouth so I just kept steady pressure on her until she gave up the battle then eased her up into my hand. I'll often switch to the Predator jig when I want a slightly longer shank hook for longer presentation trailers. It works well in many of the jagged rocks I target. The meaty bulge in this gals tail let me know that she has fed well over the Summer and should be in great shape for next Spring. I use 25lb Vicious Pro Elite Fluoro line for exceptionaly clear conditions, it's super stought and has less stretch for good hook sets.
  21. WTG Excellent Fish!!!
  22. Jigs: 1) 3/4 to 1oz Big O Foofball or Brush jig/Siebert Outdoors. 2) 1/2 and under/Moaner Predator or Siebert Outdoor 3) shakey heads, Swim jigs and small football jigs Strike King Trailers: 1) Rage Craw, Lobster, BabyRage Craw, SpaceMonkey, Twintail Menace, Naked jig w/Smokin Rooster, For longer profile - 10" Thumper worm on naked stand up jig like the above mentioned jigs, Rage Hawg, Eeliminator/remove 3/4 to 1" from head thread on jig with tail up toward hook point, Finesse jigs, Rage Shrimp cut down to fit the profile needed.
  23. Glad you like'em and I hope you get a chance to ck out the Rage Rig with it (wiighted hook) Tail sweeping up toward the surface. I fish it super slow like a t rig in the grass or shallower waters.
  24. Rhino, I like your rigging style for sure and many of our Pro's are using a similar set up for rocks and drops. Kim Stricker (Hook n'Look) just sent me a some photos today where he was catchin'em good punching grass mats. It's a versatile bait and It's obviously going to create quite tool for many waters. Glad you like it!
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