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Everything posted by Big-O

  1. If I could only choose just one it would be the Space Monkey. The profile is such that even the smallest of bass will take it but the action is large enough that the biggest of bass will not hesitate to eat it. The versatility of the Space Monkey and its profile makes it adaptable to most any bass fishing situation. Although it's a creature bait design primarily for flipping or a t-rig, it can also be substituted as a craw or as a jig trailer by pinching it down as needed. It's also a nice finesse topwater. With a Rage Rig its amazing in the shallows and over grass. Second to it would be the Eeliminator... It's terrific for most everything, but I don't flip it!
  2. Great looking set up Jeff! I may need to follow your lead on those in a few choice spots
  3. By myself, Fishing the Rage Recon on 14ft ledges and these two gals wanted to play They hit an hour apart and approx. 100yds from each other with a few small ones between them. Slow drags produced most of'em but a few hit on the fall near the bottom or when I had to jump it from a snag in the rocks... I guess if I would've had someone with me, we could've figured which they wanted most Fun Day!
  4. It appears that this thread swerved a bit from it's original intent but sometimes that happens and it's all GOOD! I'm also very proud for all of you who enjoy RT products and believe that we do all we can to provide you with the very best soft plastics on the market. Over the years, there have been many announcements or big tournaments won on RT's and not just by SK Pro's. This info could have been posted and/or mentioned for promotional reasons here at BassResource as well, but I've never thought it necessary. Most of us here don't fish for money but moreover for individual pleasure, and we all want to spend our time and money wisely with hopes that we reap the rewards for our efforts and valuable time on the water, regardless. Here are just a few mentions and facts that weren't but could have been publicized recently... The Rage Craw and Recon Worm were responsible for 16 of 20 fish weighed in for the Winner of the FLW on Sam Rayburn and the Second place winner used them for many of his catches as well... both were SK Pros. This past weekend at the Bass Champs Championship at Falcon Lake, the Rage Craw trailing Football jigs were responsible for most of their keepers and all but 1 of their weighed fish on day two... They're not affiliated with SK. We all know that tourney pro's will use the best baits they can find to win the money, regardless of affiliation. With over a 1/4 million in winnings in two major tournaments this mth, I'd say that the Rage baits are ok BTW, I fished much more often before I started RT than I do now... and to answer the thread topic question started by our member Kachok... My Favorite Soft Plastics are all Rage Tail.
  5. UNHEARD OF.... But I can't wait to see it
  6. Excellent...WTG on your new PB!
  7. yep Footballs, WTG!!
  8. I'm a Lucky kinda guy I bumped this tnto this Pretty Gal and she wanted to tussle a bit... Just another 'Hot headed Female' She bit a Rage Lobster trailing a 1oz Siebert Outdoors Big O jig in 12 ft water. With the weather cooling off nicely here in Tx., I'm going to fish a bit more over the next mth. Hope y'all get a few chances too!
  9. WTG and Great photos!
  10. Here's the latest color chart... bps and tw online do a good job of keeping them in stock. There's plenty of info on our website for rigging etc @ www.ragetail.com Hope you like'em!
  11. Flip'em hooked flat on their side for a gliding fall or hooked through the belly hook slot for a faster more direct fall. Also Rage Rig with a 5/0 weighted hook through the belly slot for a compact swim bait style presentation. I haven't C rigged it yet, but last week one of our Pro's caught 30+ in 4hrs like that and had an EWG through the belly slot... It has several ways to rig that can be effective
  12. Wanna see some "SWEET BASS SUSHI" These Shellcrackers LOOK all happy n stuff Hope you Like'em!
  13. The Rage Shad is the most aggressive soft plastic topwater bait on the market, even more noisy than many buzzbaits, but you can fish it through trash that buzzbaits will foul up. It can be tuned down so that it's not as aggressive as well. The Rage Toad is the next step down for aggression and it can be tuned down too. The Eeliminator is more subtle and works extremely well in calm water or quiet conditions! If you watch the "Bringin Heat" video... you will see the type of action it has. Each has it's own specific use application but the eeliminator is also the best C rig bait on the market, IMO! If you Rage Rig it (swimbait hook), on a slack line fall, it rocks back and forth seductively. Hope this helps!
  14. Dang those are nice Dwight... WTG!
  15. For you Swim Jig enthusiast that want a Brim profile, IMO the Twintail Menace rigged with tails vertical instead of horizontal is a new look and better for Brim profile and/or shorter compact presentation swim jigs...
  16. Swim Jig presentations and choices of weight and trailers are extremely varied and necessarily so. It's important to remember that in most waters, bass are keying in on certain bait/prey species more so than others at different times of the year, but are always opportunistic feeders. Water colors, light conditions also play a part in tweaking the bite. When they're feeding on Crayfish, a high action craw is your best choice for a trailer. If baitfish like shad is on the menu, then slender profile trailers are the choice, If Brim are getting eaten regularly, a short more bulky profile is the ticket. Experimenting with your jig weights, colors, trailer sizes and positionong on the hook can make the difference in gettiing bit and getting bit regularly... Hope that helps!
  17. Very Nice WTG!
  18. Nice ones, congrats Paul and WTG Jeff!
  19. Smokey Shad is the top seller and Green Pumpkin/Chartreuse is second... Tw and bps online has all of the colors.
  20. AWESOME Fish and photos you two!!! WTG...
  21. Actually clamshells were supposed to be used from the start in '07 and the plastic shop fell short on getting them produced when production began. I immediately took on the clam design operation and provided them myself. As above mentioned, the clams are for perfect action results with EVERY bait EVERY time and I'm really interested in the Walmart or any retailer that is selling them in plain plastic bags...
  22. WOW, Big thick hybrid...WTG!
  23. WTG Dwight, those are nice ones! Big coat weather coming soon...
  24. FANTASTIC POST And great photo too!
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