LOL.. This looks like a fun thread and I've just returned from out of town where I was trying to 'LEARN HOW TO LAND THAT BIG FISH' and maybe answer rangerboys original Question
Here's my take, its always great to be prepared and have the right tackle in your hands when she hits. Personally I use 1 style rod for everything, a 7'11 heavy action St Croix Rage Rod and 2 different lines, 65 lb suffix braid for flippin' brush and trash, and 25 pound vicious pro elite flouro for fishing deep, jagged rocks, and extreme clear conditions. Not to say that you can't do it with lesser tackle but this hvy stuff works well for me. Ck your drag prior to the first cast of the outing to make sure that it's not froze up. Set the drag according to the baits and style of presentation you choose because they will all be different accordingly. EXAMPLE: Crank baits, small dia lines, thin wire hooks, fish is in open water etc., a softer drag setting than flipping brush, heavy line, heavy wire hooks etc.
Where someone mentioned above... Both of the Winch 'em OUT videos I and II are the PERFECT EXAMPLE and are in fact instructional videos for those who want to know the VERY BEST technique for flippin' fish out of heavy cover. THERE IS NO BETTER WAY and I believe that they are the first videos of their type with a detailed explanation to assist those who want to know the ABSOLUTE BEST and MOST CORRECT technique to use. If a person views the videos and takes the time to pay attention to the technique (and not just the size of the fish caught) and also takes the time to read the copy at the end of Winch 'em OUT 1, it gives detailed instruction on how and what to do in this situation. Also, if you view the Winch 'em OUT 2 video without prejudice, you will see several slow motion visuals showing that the fish are not in shallow water... but in 14 to 20ft. After I clear any and all obstructions with the fish, you will notice the PERFECT technique necessary to land any fish BIG or SMALL in deep water conditions. I can't see anywhere in the video that I appear overly anxious, getting too excited or in a hurry. Hopefully I'm demonstrating complete control because I've been doing this same stuff for almost 50 yrs now and it's hard for me to get too excited about anything anymore, you be the judge
As for weights on the the fish on the WII video... YES 4 of them were over 10 and one was 13.90. I had to weigh the 13.90, because in 'Flippin a Fatty' (a different clip of the same fish), I'm overheard calling a weight during the battle on camera so weighing was called for! BTW, I am 6'4" 235 so if you're trying to size up a fish in reference to me GOOD LUCK.
For a fact the majority of my big fish come from 20 ft. depths or more and I pride myself in the ability to not only get the fish in the boat for a little chat, but also to get her back in the water EXACTLY where she was caught safe and sound with the minimal harm.
As in so many situations, it's easy to doubt others... especially when we're not in their game. And some will continue to doubt even when they see it for themselves, but that's OK too... Different Strokes for Different Folks