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Everything posted by Big-O

  1. Very COOL
  2. Cool that the couple took the time to watch you fish. The catching just added to their enjoyment... and yours, wtg
  3. Until We Meet Again... Bet that's a thought many of us have when we ease them back into the water for a sweet release During a recent Spring evening, the winds came to a HALT after blowing 30mph all day and I knew that the deeper offshore bite would be my "Day Maker" I had been alternating between the Jig n Lobster and a C rigged Eeliminator easing them over ledges falling into the river channel. Bait balls were averaging 17ft depth and this was also where the best bites had been throughout the day, so I stayed with it for the FINALE On my last spot, I tossed the Eeliminator on top of the ledge and slowly eased it toward the drop... She bit when it made the first step drop and we played "Stretch the Line" in deep open water, my favorite way to work the bigger ones 7'11" Hvy action St.Croix RAGE Rod, 25# Vicious Pro Elite Fluoro for both main line and leader, 5/0 Moaner Stick'r hook, 3/4oz black Brass C rig weight.
  4. If one reads Shane's complete comment, I think he may have provided the answer to your question already... And I'm not sure that anything in his comment was limiting him to craw imitations... Here are a couple of illustrations demonstrating one that he noted (TwinTail Menace) and another that I've seen photos of his catches with, the RAGE Shellcracker as a SwimJig trailer. You'll notice they are mounted in the upright position and not horizontal as a Craw imitator would be... A good Jig Fisherman AND THE BASS relate to them quickly as a Brim/Shad profile and this set up provides a faster fall rate as well as maneuvering through grass and trash easier... Hope this Helps IMO, there are trailers for any and all jigs that can improve their performance. It's up to the fisherman to figure this out
  5. FOOTBALL ALERT! Great Fish WTG!
  6. It appears to be a different fish... anal fin is different, lateral markings are not the same and a couple of head features are different WTG!
  7. Great post and photos Paul
  8. Wow that was a terrific day for sure and Congrats!!!
  9. Beautiful Fish, WTG and Congratulations
  10. Good stuff Clayton!
  11. Wow that was a GREAT Day for sure!!! WTG Clayton
  12. LOL, Now when I log in... the first thing I look at is that little Envelope to see if there's a numer beside it I'll catch on, it'll just take me a little more time than most
  13. I say "One Last Cast" before leaving each spot I fish thru-out a day... and they rarely catch on that cast like yours did, WTG
  14. You're RIGHT Dinky! It's TERRIBLE and all is LOST there... No more Big Fish! You think that response will keep a FEW away For a fact the fish are in trouble there as I understand that the recent fisheries survey showed this yrs numbers to be down 70% from last year Also there have been FAR TOO MANY FISH KEEPERS on the water since two Springs past when the word got out that the Fishing was Phenomenal, to go along with the Mexican netters having started targeting Bass for sale there in Mexico. All to say the fishing is definitely much tougher for Most but hopefully it will rebound again, as it did in years past And Congrats on that nice one you caught
  15. For those of you who've messaged me here on the forum and I didn't respond... I want to Apologize Truth is, I failed to notice them when I get a chance to check in! Just today someone sent me an EMAIL to say that my mail box here was FULL and they weren't able to send me a message... I'll try to keep up as best I can from here forward Thanks for your patience with an old guy who doesn't understand this electronic stuff very well Big O
  16. WTG and I enjoy the Hawg Tech Handles too!
  17. You NY folks are bravin' the COLD for some early BASSIN... That's the SPIRIT
  18. WTG and Great color on your FISH!
  19. The heavier jigs provide several options different to the lighter models. A few differences are: increased fall rate, ability to cover more water faster when flipping/pitching and searching for the bite. Longer casts and pitches with more control and accuracy especially in wind. Easier to Cast'n'Drag Deeper water and Windy conditions, Punching through surface cover like grass mats, Pitching to deep trees or brush... Can use bigger bulky trailers and still have quick fall rates. Since I spend the majority of my time in big lakes and on offshore structure, I use 3 basic sizes of jigs and here is the average amount of use with each... 1oz - 75% 3/4oz - 20% 1/2 to 5/8oz - 5% Hope that helps and also hope you enjoy your new jigs
  20. Yep it's a Hawg Tech Handle and love'em... Less Slip when wet TOO! Dwight, Camo Bibs huh... Like the idea, I Need to work on that Here You Go Arv, YES I catch these little Darlings and enjoy swinging on them every bit as much but they usually don't get a Photo Op Thanks All...
  21. Who LIKES a Good SCRAP now and then! This DOLL finally surfaced after giving me and my Jig and Lobster a 'Battle for the Ages' I DANCED on the Deck after that In my Flip Flops I was using a 1oz green/pmp Siebert Big O jig and Falcon Lake Craw colored Lobster, 25lb Vicious Pro Elite Fluoro, 7'11" St Croix RAGE Rod, Old Curado w/Hawgtech Handle... She was on a shallow ledge 8ft, dropping into a 40ft river channel and hit at about 17ft. Working Super SLOW, dragging and maintaining constant contact with the bottom. The hits were often during a slight pause after the jig had bumped a rock or stick! Typical technique that I use once I've found the primary holding depth of the fish I target. She must've been hiding out from all of the Boat traffic last week
  22. Gotta little surprise for each of you who are at the ROADTRIP this year
  23. The plastic Clams help me to provide you with my very best effort, best bait, best final bait action and best possible bite results. I've never been satisfied with less than my best effort... nor do I expect others to accept any less, from me All of our RT products are designed, produced, individually hand assembled and packaged here in the USA. Now if you want to remove them from the Clamshell and put them in a bag... It's OK, I forgive you Actually with certain styles or designs like the craw etc, if I know that I will use several in a very short period of time, I'll put them in my pocket loose because the deformation doesn't occur that fast. Now at the end of the day, back in the clam they go! With the Eeliminators, Shad and Toad... They stay in the clamshell until they go on the hook, because they're design and action results are extremely dependant on the precise Shape and hooking procedures required. Can you tell that I'm a picky ole rascal
  24. You guys were in HAWG CITY What a GREAT experience for all of you!!!
  25. Depends on conditions... depth and type of grass, size of the worm, amount of wind etc. 1/4 oz would be a standard. For example, 10" worm 5 to 6/0 hook and 8 inch 4 to 5/0. I use Moaner weighted hooks because they were designed around the Rage Rigging technique. The weight sits further back toward the bend of the hook for a more horizontal fall and doesn't reduce the hook bite gap. Also sheds grass more easily with the narrow weight nose and more hydro dynamic than many others. On shorter baits 2 to 4/0 are my choice... Hope that helps
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