I figured this out some time back and have utilized these basic steps ever since. Hope it helps some of you to enjoy your Fishing MORE, and possibly save bucks on your fishing line costs
Fluoros, mono's and/or standard copolymers get a build up of mineral deposits and scale on the line when fishing and some bodies of water are much worse than others to cause this. The build up forms a crust or coating on the line as it is used, dried and reused throughout a day of fishing. This causes much of the coiling effect or line to reel memory that can often give us problems. If you service the line using the following steps you'll find that the line casts farther, has less line to guide friction, fishes much better and also last much longer than it would otherwise. Line conditioner is great... but by using the following procedures prior to applying the conditioner, it is much better
Step 1 - Remove any line twist and clean your line by pulling out 30 to 40 yrds, then retrieving it back onto the spool thru a clean WET rag, Repeat. Make sure to ck for line knicks during this process and adjust the wet rag often to so that a clean wet surface is primarily used while retrieving the line, which avoids excessive line scratching with the residue that is transferred onto the rag.
2) Tie the end of your line off to a solid object and stretch tight, holding stretch for 10 seconds or so... Retrieve loosely back through a wet rag again onto your reel spool.
3) Add a line conditioner to the cleaned and stretched line prior to fishing again, allowing just enough time for the drying process...
If you're in a boat, these steps are very simple to accomplish.
I'm afraid that it's not the same for braids... When braid first hit the market for Bass fishing, it seemed to last FOREVER, but now MANY of the different brands on the market will actually degrade in strength QUICKLY with use ... I won't mention names because that's not my style Sunlight seems to be the biggest determining factor for the loss of any braids original quality and strength (Same with ALL line types) so storing your line and equipment out of direct sunlight is advised.
Hope this Helps, Now GO CATCH SOME FISH