Hello ladies and gentleman's i have been using a 65lb power pro hi vis line,(I like being able to see my line twitch when gentle bites occur) and so far i have caught over 30 fish with it. The last time i was fishing with a buddy, and he commented on my hi vis line. Now my fish have been caught between a mixture of reaction baits (ex spinner-baits) and plastics. I would take a black sharpie and do the mixed line for the last 3 feet. But getting to the point my friend who has been fishing for countless years said "big fish see the line and shy away" "All the fish you would catch on that are aggressive active fish" I took this statement into consideration and it is sensible, but i am just curious about some of the opinions of hi vis users and others. the owner of a local tackle shop said he used the hi vis line without problems and caught just as much fish as his friends. Comments are welcomed just some food for thought. (sorry if this topic has been previously covered)