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Kansas Angler

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Everything posted by Kansas Angler

  1. If you were to sell this boat what would you list it for? would like to know how much its worth and if I put more money into it than i should have
  2. Finally got it done, took me 4 months about and probably about $600. I think the finished product turned out pretty well for me being only 15. here are some pics I took I will take more once it stops raining tomorrow. Start Finish Here is how i made the livewell, when I removed the bench seat i noticed there was no flotation foam so I had an idea, I thought why not make it into a livewell, i think it turned out pretty good and with the measurements it is 18 gallons. Heres the switch Heres the decal i had made for me that i got from a local trophy store It matches the seats perfectly Heres the tempress low back seats i got, they are 120 a piece at bass pro but i got em for 50 a piece off ebay. Battery compartment Trolling motor plug random pics front deck support if you have any questions just post em up and ill do my best to awnser em. Thanks for looking!
  3. the boat with the motor being bad would be worth more than 500 dollars so i wouldnt sell it at that price if i were you. i would take it to a mechanic and have him check the motor over
  4. I bought an old 14 foot Lonestar boat about 2 months ago and since then i have been in stripping paint, building the decks and floors, designing a livewell as well as alot of other small jobs. It has been good so far, the longest part of the job was stripping off the layers of paint (there was about 10 different layers). Now I have the boat in primer and should be done with it before the end of March. Keep in mind that im not even 15 yet so its not the best work you have probably ever seen. Any questions just ask Here are some before pictures after some paint stripping Here is is after middle seat was removed. its still fine structurally and it didnt have any flotation foam inside. I actually ended up using it as a livewell but ill have to take pictures of that later In Primer, sorry for the bad pictures I didnt want to see the hinges of the hatches so i had to countersink( I don't know if thats the right word) the hinges into the deck with a dremel so they would lay flat Here is the structure for the front deck, i know its ugly, but its all I had laying around the garage so I figured I would use what I had. I put the carpet on the bottum because it was sitting a little bit to high and everytime you would step on the deck it would hit the bottum of the boat so thats the only way i thought of to fix that problem thats all the pics for now, if you want me to take a picture of something for you to show you how i did something than just ask Thanks for looking!
  5. That would be crazy to ride on that with a 40. You would think that the 25 would have been enough
  6. Thanks for the help, at the nearest lowes the only colors they have are white, blue, grey and green, so i was wondering if i could just add pigment to the white paint to make it a beige color?
  7. I am currently re-doing a 14 foot aluminum lonestar and I already made the decks and ordered carpet, but now im stuck on the paint. I plan on painting it a beige or tan color, something alog those lines. But the only 2 marine paints i know of are Rustoleum and Fasco's Steelflex. Does anybody know of different paints? Anybody have any tips on painting aluminum boats? I also dont have an air compressor so I would probably have to brush or roll it on unless somebody gives me a better idea. Thanks, Nick
  8. thanks alot, ill tell you what works tomorrow
  9. I am trying to hook up a live-well in my boat, it's a mayfair pump system and I have a toggle switch I bought from Bass Pro Shops. it runs fine when the toggle switch is in the on position, but when it's off then it sparks and the wires heat up. I've tried 3 different switches, different wire combinations and everything. here are some pictures here is the switch i have, the 2 brown wires are the positive coming from the pump and battery. the black and brown wires are the negative coming from the same places. here is the whole setup i have, the 2 wires on the bottom go to the battery, i can only have the positive hooked up when its off or else it will spark like crazy.
  10. i didnt think you needed proper grammar to find out something on a fishing forum
  11. ive had a 45lb thrust bass proshops prowler trolling motor for i think 2 or 3 years and there hasnt been anything wrong with it as faar as i can tell, and they are priced very well
  12. ive seen hitches that are adjustable drop hitches they can move up and down according to how tall your trailer is, just look around on line
  13. with 4000 i say you should search craigslist for an old bass tracker
  14. Looks good, I wish my first jon boat would have looked like that. Where did you get the hardware for the storage compartment? I already have the hinges, im just looking for the thing you pull on to open the compartment (not sure of the name). thanks nick
  15. Have myself a 14 foot Lone star that i picked up with trailer for 250. I have started sanding already. Im going to paint it white with a red stripe. I am going to put raised flooring, live-well, many storage compartments, and a casting deck on it. I already removed the middle bench seat, it opens it up alot.
  16. Can somebody teach me how to remove the bench seats on my 14 foot lone star. I'm going to floor it and put a casting deck and live-well in it and I think it would be better if I removed the front too bench seats. Do the bench seats add structural integrity to the boat? Will the boat still be safe. Any advice would help even advice on where to lay out the bracing and stuff for the deck and floor. thanks, nick
  17. I purchased a Lone Star 14' V- Hull with trailer for $250, i'm planning on decking the bow and putting raised floors on the rest. its in okay condition, alot of work to do because there is about 6 or 7 coats of paint but keep in mind it is a very old boat. i don't know much about lone star boats but i do know they went out of business a long time ago, any info would be helpful, i did realize that its not completely symmetrical, i measured from the bow to a rib on the floor and it was 3 inches different than the measurement on the other side, but i will deal with it. Kansas Angler
  18. i have an eagle fisheasy, i like it, i got it from a friend brand new for $35
  19. deck would be very unstable, as for the bait-well, it should be fine, bps and cabelas have a few different bait-well options
  20. Go to cabelas or bass pro and there are many different options for livewells and pumps, im not sure exactly waht you need so i couldnt find an exact link but look on cabelas and bass pro websites
  21. sorry it took awhile, the pics were too many kb's so i had to make a photo-bucket account and upload all the pics
  22. I recently finished my 14 foot 40 inch Jon boat and i have done everything i wanted to do with it, its got a nice sized deck, an Eagle Fish-Easy Fish-finder, rod tie-downs, carpet, 9.9 hp Evinrude, 45 lb. thrust trolling motor, rod holders, and etc. here are a few pics i took today first its the picture when i first bought it, then when its finished
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