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Everything posted by heyvern

  1. Hard as nails nail polish works about as good and last about as long and is way cheaper.
  2. I'm also interested in VS-10 upgrade's as I have 4 of them and I think they are one of the best reels made. My email add: callvern91@hotmail.com
  3. I work in a floral shop and they use floral wire a lot, it's coated and doesn't cut the skirt nearly as bad, works for me.
  4. They look very good. I love fishing swimbaits, I make a few myself but they don't look that good buuttt they catch fish & lots of them. Keep up the good work.
  5. 2X for me if I'm vertical I'd like to be fishin. Vern
  6. Looks like a super grass or swim jig to me. ( niiiccceee jigs)
  7. Dropshot and shakiehead jigs in the shadows with a heavy douse of JJ'S Magic. Works almost everytime.
  8. If you want a super round reel check ebay every once in awhile for a pinnacle VS10, I have four of them and they are great and I got them real reasonable.
  9. SWEET, enjoy your Skeeter they are a good boat and a good company. Vern
  10. Hemlock is a soft wood and lite weight so if sealed well and use good hook hangers it should work fine.
  11. I second that. Catch fish anywhere, anytime,anyplace.
  12. John, can you give me a little demo on how you make your fins? Vern
  13. Can you show how it's done or is it a trade secret? I have been making mine out of old plastic worms remelted and cut to form, they work but I'm looking for a better way or different way. I don't like doin the same-o same-o know what I mean. :-X Vern
  14. did you make the swim bait? if so what did you use for the dorsal & tail fins? Vern
  15. Greg Mangus: I've fished against him in tournaments and he can catch 5 # er's in a water puddle in the middle of NY city. just sick!!! Vern
  16. 2X lookin very good Vern
  17. I tried the .40 wire but it spreads the split rings to wide for my like in makes a bad situation at the line tie. Vern
  18. What do you use for hook hangers & line tie? Very nice baits. Vern
  19. Question, I have three Pinnacle Vision VS10's that I really like. Is there a way to up grade them & one of them has a small chip chrome chip out of the drag drum that doesn't hurt anything it just makes a noise when you cast it. Any suggestions?
  20. Really like the two swim jigs. Hard to tell are they plaining heads? Vern
  21. I am a jerkbait freak and that top one is bitchin, fine piece of work Marty excellent profile and pattern. Vern
  22. I hope you get a better response then I got, I asked about the same question and got zip for answers. maybe they all have 20 - 20 vision????? I'd like to know a little about the red line myself but all I can fined is advertisement and with them it's the best thing since sliced bread. :-/ A friend of mine has used yellow power pro and always used ether flo. or mono leader, about 2 ft. Thats all I kow about it haven't used it myself.
  23. Being an elderly mechanic I have had bolts seize up half way out, mostly in exhaust and water jackets. The bolts pertude into the water or exhaust channels and the threads corrode, when taking them out they will sometimes jam in the housing. > not a good thing. Vern
  24. #1 Has anyone used the red line in 8lb. range. My eyes are not as good as they used to be and I have a hard time seeing clear & green line, I don't like blue flo. It's like a florescent light in the water. #2 Did or do you use a leader? I noticed that Cajan Red is made in China, is it any good??? I appreceate any info. Vern
  25. I get mine at the hardware store, 1 doz. for about a buck.
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