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About paragon

  • Birthday 07/05/1970

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    South East Michigan

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  1. A-jay you sure have had a great season. And it looks like your finishing it up with a bang. Ive told you before I would be glad to drive up, but you told me I would have to watch the dogs while you fished. We will have to come up with another plan.
  2. Hey A-Jay whats going on up there, didn't you just post a huge largemouth a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure I'm not to far from you and im sure you have an extra room so I'm just going to come live with you.. Paragon
  3. Nice master angler fish a-jay I know fish like that are few and far between. But being a michigander myself it gives me hope. Thanks for sharing. paragon
  4. WOW
  5. I grew up on lake st. clair walking all the sea walls in the marinas and near open water. In both cases I would get my big ones with spinnerbaits. when the blades would actually bump the wall. We used to walk those walls for hours.
  6. Michigan,oklahoma,florida,tenn,maryland,newyork,and canada I use google earth to track everywhere I have been, just a thumbtack and a short note.
  7. I lived in Oklahoma when I was a kid. There i learned there are only a few snakes I dont like big ones, little ones, live ones, dead ones.
  8. I would chug a bottle of 5 hour energy for alot less then Roland but I don't think anyone woud care. Being a small business owner and always being self employed, I have learned that if someone offers money to do something you take it or the offer will go away. Some one else will get paid to shoot a rocket fishing pole, not you.
  9. I've become a big fan of Suffix elite in the past 2 years. And I also spooled up some of the new stren sonic braid and it seems real good. Man, sometimes I think I could cast it a mile.
  10. Heres a shot from last weekend, what a blast. http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk101/paragonfish/pike.jpg All you need is some PVC and you can take along as many rods as you think you can handle. I will try to take a better picture of my rod holders to give you an idea how to get started.
  11. I use both of these lines all of the time. I really like to use the camo color in weedy areas. I feel the colorbreaks in the line make it very hard for the fish to see. Which I guess is the point.
  12. logger I'm going to try again this year to make it up to Wakley. Do you remember when that lake opens for fishing? Of course my break job turned in to a whole rear end thing, but went real smooth. Thank god for neighbors with all the right tools and Fridays off. paragon
  13. a-jay those are some great fish. I hope to get out this weekend, after I get my WAY overdue break job done. I am a carpenter, that means I hate working on cars. >
  14. Now thats what im talking about pics and everything. So only 2 of us went bass fishing. strange huh :-?
  15. Hey guys where are all the opening day reports. I went went out in my float tube, got caught in the worst part of the storm. But we dried out and went back to it. I ended up with 8 good bass in just a couple of hours. Cant wait to get back out. How did everyone else do? paragon
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