looking back, the times i have felt most on top of my game usually had very little to do with where the fish were or what they were doing. for me, it usually had more to do with where my mind was and what it was doing. i have found my least productive days to be the times my mind was cluttered with something else - work, problems, anger, frustration, or just general discontent. when i bring these things to the lake with me, it's probably going to be a long, difficult day - even if the fish should be biting. i find myself just going through the motions. i'm oblivious to important clues around me. i try to force things. i find myself wasting time on baits, spots, or techniques that aren't producing. and when i do get bites, i fail to connect the dots so that i can fine tune a pattern. anything less than instant success tends to weaken my determination and resolve.
on the other hand, the days i have found to be most productive were the times where my mind was free and unburdened. i was able to concentrate solely on fishing - finding them and catching them. all of my mental energy was available to assess what was happening around me and i was able to make the necessary adjustments in a timely fashion, on a few rare occasions even anticipating things before they happened. every cast seems calculated and purpose-driven. success just make me try harder, but so does adversity. and days that shouldn't have been all that good based on the conditions i was dealt have turned into banner days.
for me at least, it just seems like when my mind is right, my fishing is right.