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Everything posted by paul.

  1. thanks guys. i always appreciate your kind words. honestly guys, the fish i catch are much more of a testament to the fine fishin' holes i am blessed with than to any skill or ability on my part. the real props go to guys like randall, chris, bizz, catt, mattlures, supermat, and all the other guys who whack toads consistently out of high pressured water. thanks bro, but i'm sure the only damage that would be done if i tried to fish in cali would be to my ego. ;D hope y'all are catchin' some too.
  2. rock on man. i know you're stoked. congrats and welcome.
  3. great fish man. congratulations on that brute!
  4. 50 pound powerpro. same answer. ;D
  5. caught this one this afternoon. 7-12 on the digi. fought like a champ.
  6. that's great man. what you have just described is extremely difficult, walking someone else through catching a big fish off a bed like that - especially someone with little experience. my hat's off to you randall. . congratulations to you ben!
  7. great pix and great job. congrats to ya both.
  8. branuss is right. that's just the nature of bed fishin'. of course you had to be doing something right or you wouldn't have got the female to pick up the bait 3 times. your difficulty in landing her is probably explained by the fact that bedding fish many times will not strike or pick up a bait the same way they normally would if they were trying to eat it. many times they will bite just a "piece" of the bait - a claw, leg, or tail depending on what bait you are using. many times they will just swat at a bait or even try to knock it off the nest with their tail. after all, they are only trying to move it off the nest, not eat it. and they will only hold on to it long enough to move it off the nest most times, then they will spit it right back out. so you have to be a little quicker on the trigger with bed fish if you are sure they've got the part of the bait with the hook in it. for this reason, i like compact lures more than longer ones - baits that make it difficult to pick up the bait without getting the hook in their mouth. as far as catching the male goes, i would suggest not to do this until after you have caught the female. reason is because the female will many times totally lose interest once the male is caught, even if he is released quickly. in fact, many times the best way to catch the female is through triggering the male to bite or attack the bait (but not catching him which can be kinda tricky). after the females see the male get interested, many times they will turn on quickly and take over and grab the bait themselves. i have even seen them follow the male out of the nest as he carries the bait away and then attack it right where he spits it out even though it's several yards from the nest. if you do want to catch those males that are actively chasing bluegills out of the bed, it might be a better choice to use a lure they can actually chase rather than something that sits still - something like a spinner, crankbait, or swimbait burned right through the nest area. one other tip is do not be afraid to get aggressive with bed fish, sneaking the bait in from behind and whackin' em on the tail with it is a good way to get 'em p.o.'d really fast. most people use subtle twitches with their baits on beds. do not be afraid to really pop it or jerk it hard. many times this will make a bed fish totally blow a gasket. of course, one overlooked option (and probably the deadliest imo) is to use a live bait on the bed if you are so inclined. that's my preference, but it's not for everyone. either way bed fishing is a very interesting experience and it's amazing what you will see and learn even if you don't catch the fish. good luck to ya.
  9. way to go man. that's cool fishin' with grandma. i didn't know there were any sleeper lakes left in cali with all the fishin' pressure y'all get. sounds like we're about to see some "background edit" photos real soon. ;D seriously man, that's cool about your potential new honey hole. good luck with it.
  10. paul.

    New PB ?

    how silly. it's only 29 pounds.
  11. paul.

    New PB ?

    either way, that's a biggun for sure! what a day! you really stuck it to 'em buddy! and those are some great pix. the mountains in the background are really cool looking. 8-)
  12. man y'all are just tearing 'em up out there. FANTASTIC!
  13. sounds like a great day man. and on topwater too. cool!
  14. beautiful fish and great picture man!!! you asked on another thread what pb meant. it's "personal best" - like the lunker you are holding is your new pb. congratulations big time man.
  15. great job. way to make the best out of bad conditions..
  16. great job man. cool catches.
  17. there is just a small picture in the upper right hand corner of the cover. it's not the actual cover shot. thanks for the kind words y'all.
  18. i've got permission to fish a pond that is absolutely full of gills. every cast in there you get one within seconds. i just use my little ultralight rig. when i've got enough i take 'em bassin'. i keep 'em alive in a huge tub of water in the back of my truck.
  19. thanks a bunch dave. i got a pfleuger trion reel, some baits, and some line so far. supposed to get more baits, more line, a loomis rod, and some other stuff in another shipment i think. i think i'm supposed to get a fly fishing outfit too, so i guess i'll have to try to learn fly fishin'. that'll be worth a few laughs i'm sure. ;D all together, it's supposed to be a $1000 prize package. i'm very happy about it and i certainly thank all the nafc members who voted for me.
  20. good 'uns. congrats.
  21. cool story man. that's what it's all about.
  22. congratulations cj. that was a great finish man. nothin' wrong with that at all.
  23. i apologize for taking so long to respond to your isssues. i have been busy today. hopefully after i post this, all will be clear and this thread will just die. i will not make the mistake of bringing up bed fishing or live bait again - especially not together. it seems your basic question is along the lines of: why would i use live bait and take big bass off beds for pictures while the nest gets raided? here's your answer. in this particular family owned lake where i caught these 2 fish, there is a problem with overpopulation. fish must be removed from time to time for the health of the lake and the growth of the bass therein. this being the case, it does not matter to me if the nests are raided in the short time it takes me to get pix of fish i catch off beds. i couldn't care less if none of the fry hatch to be honest with you. i want as few small fish in there as possible. those that do hatch and survive, i will just have to remove later on and donate to other kind landowners who allow me and my 6 y.o. to come and fish. if they don't want 'em, we have some fish frys. apparently my bed fishing didn't have too much impact (and never has), because i counted 4 huge fry clouds out there last visit. but just so you know, this is not the norm for me. in the other lakes i fish, i do not bother spawners at all unless i happen to find a trophy class fish. if i am fortunate enough to catch her, she goes right back to the bed within minutes. if i have a buddy with me to take pix, great. if not, i just put her back without pix. i completely understand the importance of big fish genetics being passed on. as far as you just wanting to understand and not criticize, i don't buy that for a minute. if that was the case you would have just let this thread die and pm'd me. now i realize that you might (probably will) disregard my explaination above and come up with your own theory as to why i catch big bass off beds with bluegill for pictures. so here are a few other explainations from which you can select to form your opinion. a. because i am an evil lunker bass terrorist bent on the destruction of the world's bass population, starting in tennessee. b. because i am just a backwards redneck country boy who doesn't know any better. c. because i am ignorant and unskilled in "real" bass catching knowledge and techniques like yourself, so i cut corners and take shortcuts. d. because i lack any meaningful human companionship so i have to "haul bass around town" to keep me company. e. because i just love getting replies such as yours to my posts from folks who don't have their facts straight. have a nice day and please let this thread die.
  24. no offense taken buddy. i didn't think you were being a jerk at all. you expressed your opinion and that's cool. i know you are not the only one who feels that way. you've got nothing to apologize for in my book. you are right - to each his own. good luck to you no matter how you choose to catch 'em.
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