well, my new 9-5 topwater pb a few days ago sure didn't last long. ;D i busted that mark wide open tonight with a huge 10-15 caught on a big rapala x-walk. man i am tickled to death!
this story actually starts back when it was cold outside. i was bait shopping at our gander mtn. in jackson and this bait really caught my eye. i love big topwater baits and it was love at first sight. this bait wasn't "cali big" but it was definitely "tennessee big" looking more like a striper bait. it's actually even categorized as a saltwater bait. it had good quality hooks, and i liked that big "sure set" in the back. it also had a lot of flash and some of the most realistic lookin' eyes i've ever seen on a bait. despite the $10+ price tag, i had to have it. honestly, i "just had a feeling" about this bait. i knew if it performed half as good as it looked, i'd be happy with it. it just had "lunker" written all over it. and i'll go ahead and admit it, walking baits are my topwater faves. i've been hooked since my first zara spook many years ago.
fast forward a few months to tonight. the x-walk had been waiting patiently for its number to be called. i figured this evening it was gonna be money. after trying a few other things earlier with only small fish, i busted out the x-walk. first thing i noticed was how far this bait casts. i honestly coulda nearly spooled my cardiff on a cast if i'd wanted to i think). there is just something mesmerizing about that walking action, and trust me, this one walks like a champ. (although it takes some getting used to due to the large size and heavy weight of the bait.)
well, after about an hour, i was starting to get a little disappointed. had i been wrong about this fine looking bait? then i finally got a hit. 2 pounder. well, at least i caught one one it. i decided to go back to an area i'd fished earlier with no success, a shallow grass flat, as darkness closed in. i've been fortunate enough to catch some fine bass there, and i was hoping for another. worked the area pretty thoroughly and then i made a cast to the edge where it starts to drop off into deep water. started that slow, deadly cadence that just drives the bigguns crazy. walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, KA-BOOOSH!!!!! the water just seemed to turn inside out with a monstrous strike. steel meets flesh. steel grips and holds. i knew it was a good 'un, but i wasn't sure how good until she came up for a jump. oh yeah, this one was a contender! well, played her real carefully even though i had 50 lb. powerpro on cause it was hard to see how i had this fish hooked in the fading light and i sure wasn't gonna let her jump again if i coud help it. during the battle, it was kinda hard to keep my composure. all that kept running through my mind was how thick and fat she looked when she jumped. but a cooler head prevailed and i was soon lipping this brute of a bass. after a quick ride on the digital scale and some pix, she was carefully released and i have been stoked ever since.
so many of my hunches about lures have been off the mark, but man i am glad i got this one right. i definitely see more of these big x-walks in my future! all you other lunker junkies should definitely check 'em out!
well, enough talk. here's the pic. i was happy to get this one and post her, cause my fishin' and my time on the br board is gonna be cut back some this summer due to my girls being outta school. but i'll try to make sure i still get on here every week to see y'all's awesome catches and say congrats. best wishes to all y'all for a lunker-filled summer. hope ya enjoy the pic.