even though it was officially labor day, i still went to work on the bass today. for some reason, they were really biting good today, and i caught quite a few at one of my favorite little lakes. i started with a couple of swimbaits but no takers. had a few follows though, and one BIG one on an outside grass edge in about 4 ft. of water. even though i was pretty disappointed i couldn't get this fish, i still committed the spot i saw her in to memory. after all, she musta been at least halfway interested in eating.
after zeroing on the swimbait, i switched to a t-rigged trick worm and a jig and started cleaning house. after catching quite a few decent ones, i gave the spot where i had the big follow a shot with the worm but only got a dink there. threw the jig in there from a different angle, and the deal was closed. there was no tap or thump, just that tell-tale heavy, mushy feeling. hammer time. WHAM!!! sweet penetration! hook is set and instantly she shoots off towards deeper water. after a great battle with several cool jumps and head shakes, she's in my hands. 8-10 on the digi. released as always.
even though i caught this fish on the mother of all lunker baits, the jig, i have to give the swimbait a huge assist. this fish gave herself away when she followed the swimbait and without this, i honestly wouldn't have spent much time in that particular area. i definitely wouldn't have come back with another bait. again, i have to give credit where it is due. a guy y'all may know named matt servant taught me this little trick of coming back later with a different bait when a follower won't commit. just cause they won't hit the swimbait don't mean they won't hit something else. today's adventure also drives home another very important point that has been stressed on here by much better bassers than me time and time again. with big fish timing is everything. honestly, it might not have been so much that she wanted something different than the swimbait. it mighta been that earlier she just wasn't really ready to fully commit to anything just yet. coulda been a little of both. :-/ whatever the reason, i'm glad she finally decided to bite. hope y'all are having a great holiday and catchin' a bunch.